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Yoonah POV

Your eyes wander around in the big hallway as you try to avoid his gaze that is fixed on you. feeling anxious about what is going to happen. You Look around and see many fairies trying their hard to make the hall look as clean as a polished mirror.

Just then your eyes also fall on the big wishes pond where two officers are standing guarding it. You saw something on the surface but it wasn't that clear so you can't be that sure. The wishes pond is used to fulfill the wishes. It shows the wishes that earthlings asked for. The one whose heart is as clear as the mirror and whose prayer is as pure as love only those wishes can be seen on the surface of the water and god sends those special fairies to help them. It's a law of nature and we work of it. We maintain it.

hear someone clear their throat as you rise your chin a little to see him looking directly at you while massaging his temples. But your mind was far away still on the thing that you saw in Wishes Pond.

bow slightly in front of him as he nod.

"Good morning-" you gives him morning greeting but he cut you off in the middle.

"Where were you? You supposed to be here when you are summoned" he questioned, looking at you with fed up eyes.

"I...i was sleeping" you lower your head feeling embarrassed to even look at his eyes.

"Explain me how can a fairy fall asleep in this time when you supposed to help mother fairy at the juniors" he objects, His eyes emphasis and  his every word screaming how unhappy he is.

"I..i already helped her and-" you pleased to him and stomp your feet whines softly but soon cut off with his loud voice.

"I want no more words from you" he fumed as his eyes indicating that he is not in a mood of listening to you whining anymore.

"But father-" he stops you in between.

"I'm not your father right now" said and shook his head. Yes the person in front of you fuming in anger is none other than your father but right now he is only the highest commander of god that is scolding you for no reason.

Isn't it comes in bullying.

"I heard that" he added as you scoffed cutely. Yeah it's sad but they can hear your thoughts...

"Anyways, you are called for giving you another assignment" he explained as he moved his finger in the air and a paper comes in his hand. He started to read it a line of confusion clearly see in his face where else you were beyond any confusion.

"What?" You frown as long as you remember after your terrible failure in last assignment... he ordered you not to do anything.

"But you denied me to work on any assignment" you asked confused over the fact that he himself banned you to do anything except help mother in the schooling.

"I don't know it's an order form upper council" you nodded rubbing your chin try to absorb the information in your brain but as expected it's not that easy.

"What happened" you asked as your eyes are not failed to see the frown on his forehead before it completely vanished.

"I'm stunned. This is the first time you are assigned with this type of work" he mentioned, looking at every single word so that any information is not go unnoticed by him.

"What do you mean father?" You mumble softly as you scowl over him as he ignores you and read further.

"Here, you are assigned as wishing fairy and you have to complete this other wise...." He sighed looking down.

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