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Yoonah POV

I somehow Managed to get away from him as i go out towards the main corridor.

Why he suddenly became so clingy....

I scrunched my nose as i wiped my hands and go towards the back towards the classroom. I was about to enter when i my eyes land on jimin. His eyes are look tired as he was so engaged into doing his homework. I quickly make my way towards him before anyone could take the seat.

"Hey" i giggle as i smile widely forgetting all the things. I will just focus on my work and my work is make him feel happy. I frown when i didn't even receive any response. I waved my hand in front on his face as he looks at me with annoying face.

Did i do something wrong......

Immediately that smile disappear as i worriedly look over him with concern filled in my heart.

"What happened?" I asked as i heard his long sighs before he turned off his head completely avoiding me. I gasped as i forcely shut his books and look at him angrily. He rolled his eyes before glaring at me.

"Are you trying to avoid me or something. Did i do anything wrong?" I asked sternly as he huff before rubbing his temple.

"It's n-not like that. I...I'm just t-trying to do my w-work" he says while his eyes are avoiding me.

He is shuttering.....


"I have to go to library for some studies" he quickly fold his book and took in his hands. He moved his leg to go out but before he can i was quick enough to grab his hand.

"Let's have lunch.... then you can go" i mumbles slowly as i looked up to him.

"I'm not hungry" he says jerking off my hand and storming out.

What is wrong with him........

Lowering my head i aimlessly moved my feet towards cafeteria.

Author POV

Peeking from other side of the wall he see your hunched figure going away with sadness clearly imitate from your dull face. He knows very well that he hurts you and it also pains him.

Sighs released from his pouty lips as he turned his head and rest his whole figure to a wall. Holding books close to his chest. He looks down Dishearted towards the ground.

Only if i was brave enough......

Huffing out he mumbled a small 'hell'. Fixing his glasses. he went to library.

(Jimin POV)

Nervousness was clenching around my heart as i find myself dragging away by Taehyung and his friend. I didn't even dare to shrugged of his hand from my shoulder as the tight grip on his hand was enough for me to shut my mouth off. Hoping for some miracle to happen but just like my fate it was going down rapidly.

Sighing out i dropped my shoulders as i stops all my struggles to free myself.

In half and hour we all reached abandoned factory as all i can see is darkness and dust. Everything was dark just like my life. My lips shivers as my mind was in a kind of loop state. My limbs tremble with anxious pressure in my brain. Some foggy memories suddenly rushed down inside. I feel terrible. I feel terrified.

What is all this........

I'm...I'm scared......

I want...

I want you........

I want.......you


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