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Your anxiety and stress was going up with every steps you take. While lisa beside you giggling and bluffing about something but your mind was somewhere else. You were thinking about every possible scenario that could might happen when you will meet up with her friends.

The first one is quiet simple as you thought it goes like a blink of eye moment a casual hello and and then they will be busy in their own stuff. Honestly speaking it's makes you feel self conscious. If someone might not interested in your interaction then a person like you take it on your self degradation. Which is bothering you more.

Another one which is most terrifying you was hate or judging. A fairy got prise alot no matter what you do. Their life goal is quiet simple just doing good and listening about something which is not in your favor is something so big for them. This is seriously giving you chills if they don't like you then what will be their reaction.

Then their is one corner in your heart says if you can't stop you anxiety how will you help your self conscious client. You were sure by the time he always looks down on himself. You have to bring his confidence and for that you have to feel it first.

Okk let's do it........

Lisa nudges your shoulder a little in a playful manner. You snapped out as the train of your thoughts halt suddenly. Giving her a confused look you tilt your head a side while your big almond shaped eyes blinking serval times. She rolled her eyes in your non attentive self and move your chin to look up. You understand why. As you both are standing in front of cafeteria gate.

You mostly blocking half ways to any enter or exit as you feel some glares that students giving you. Quickly apologizing you step back and give chance to crowd minimize. Sighs escape your lips as you already get half of the attention of cafeteria some are glaring while other were looking expressionless. You closely follow lisa figure with your eyes one the ground. Soon her feet stop near a table which is in center of the hall. With a lot of confidence you look up and see three girls sitting their one of them having a very cute small face with her eyes wide open innocently blinking at your figure. While the other two has a confused yet clam faces which somehow able to control your racing heart.

You are so nervous as it your first time to be with some living person whose focus is on you.

What now. What do i say.

You nervously running your small mind as you helplessly look over lisa. Whose eyes are drooling over a pairs of sushi laying on the table. You are not the only one who saw her eyes but also one of the girl did as she quickly dig her chopsticks into the sushi plate before lisa could ever get it. You pressed your lips in tight line as you see frown on her cute face while she is whines like a sulking baby.

"why you do that Jennie unnie" lisa pouts angrily, as she place her fist on the table. You hear two other girls sighs doing nothing just enjoying food.

Oh her name is jennie.

You mentally noted as you see her cutely munching her appetizer.

"Cause that was my sushi lisa" jennie informed her with not so stern voice to be honest her voice is kind of claiming.

"But- - ok ok enough what you have to say lisa and who is here with you. introduce her to us" you were quiet standing in the corner with obediently folding your hands back. When you heard a unknown voice up diverted your attention from lisa to the direction of the voice came from and see the third girl who is straight looking at you. She is the one looking mature yet childishness still lingerie in her eyes. You might be in panic state if someone see you with this focus but her eyes were looking soft gaze just friendly vibes coming from her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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