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Author POV

Bored is what yoonah was feeling all the day. From changing to classes to reading book to solving questions. Everything is seems too easy for her.  She was really fed up of all these. For sometimes she got excited to teach jimin some math tricks which he found difficult.

Where else jimin was focused in his studies as a obedient student he was listening to teacher. He sighs as he stretched his tired body and looked at yoonah. Immediately a smile form on his face as he look at her sleeping figure. While she mumble something. That he fails to hear.

She seems to tired....

But school is almost overed....

He thinks sometimes before slowly tapped on her shoulder. Whines a little yoonah shift and turn her head on the other side. He laughs a  bit as he saw her hairs in her mouth. As usual.

Slowly Taking away a section from her mouth. He neatly tuck behind her ears.

"Yoonah get up. Time to go" he whisper slowly as he see lots of students were already going outside and he don't want her to be late for home.

"Ahh...let me sleep a little bit more" she whimpers softly digging her head inside her hands.

"Yoonah get up" he rises his voice a little and shook her head as she slowly opened her eyes to see him look at her softly. Smiling cutely she curled up again to sleep when he cupped her face to fixed her.

"Yoonah school is over. We have to go home" he sighs to tired to explain her.

"Hmm really" she rubs her tired eyes and looks at the almost empty class. Her eyes again went to jimin who is packing his bag. She stands up as he follows her out of the class. Still in half sleep. She yawned softly.

"Ok I'm going see you tomorrow" he says looking her dozing off on the side wall.

"Where i will go then." She mumbled must be in her dreams.

"You go to your house" he chuckled at her childish act while he tied his shoes.

"I can't.....you..you are my cli-" she immediately stop as she slapped her hand at her mouth. Almost utter out everything.

"What??" His eyebrows crashed in confusion as she scratches her head. Thinking to come out with some excuse.

"Nothing. You are my friend right so i was waiting for you to go first" now all her sleep was left as she looked at  him with her big doe eye. Blinking serval times. She saw him taking his bag and stroll out of the hallway. And her following him behind closely.

"Yah wait for me" she huff out as she reaches out to take his hand for some support. He immediately halt in his speed. As his breath hitch in throat not because of yoonah but because seeing someone glaring at him through the main gate. You got confused as you can see his body tense up but  why.


Taehyung was there looking at him angrily. His jaw clenched tightly as he saw your hand rest on his. He gulp hard as his eyes were nervously looking for a way to go out from the situation. And also for yours safety. His eyebrows frowned in uneasiness when he saw Taehyung coming inside with his friends following him.

"Hey jimin" he called out as you turn your head soon your smile also faded and replaced with a scoffed.

What he want now...

You thought but of course you don't know what is wrong going with them. They are friends or enemies whatever it is if it's about your client you will do anything to protect him.

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