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Yoonah POV

You strolled cheerfully through the whole art gallery. Your eyes look at the beautiful painting around each corner.  hesitate to touch a picture of some mermaids that were paint beautiful on the canvas.

Did they know mermaids aren't real...

You chuckled glancing around with a soft pout settled on your lips. Suddenly something strikes at your brain as you softly slap your head.

Oh i forgot that diary...

You thought, as you turned your heel to go at the direction of that hallway. Quickly you took the diary and about to go when abruptly you clenched your shivering hands holding it near your abnormally beating heart.

Having a deep breath. you huff out.  Taking some support to stand up.

"W-what that strong f-feeling....like someone's strong sorrow. Like someone is in great pain" you whisper out your water line is filled with fine shining layer of tear. As you struggle to get this away.

It must be related to my client...i have to hurry up and find him as soon as possible....

Straight up you dust off your dress. It still look dirty as you didn't know where to go and spend your night in a park. Sure it wasn't that good decision. If someone was in your place they would have fall ill but. A fairy was protected by the cold. Still you are shivering.

glancing at the door where everyone coming out it was the main gate and only exit as you try to pass through it without anyone knowing. But someone grab you hand harshly and turned you around your back came in contact with wall. Badly bruises with the impact.

"Hey are you crazy" you whimpers as adjust you shoulders a little.

"Look sir she is trying to escape from here. Without anyone knowing. If she was a student here she should be in class but you can already see her. I'm telling you she is here for robbing something and looks what's in her hands" you snapped your head at the annoying voice.

Ahh that b-.....

You rolled your eyes and look straight in front see a male teacher standing with confusion in his eyes.

"Sir i didn't robbed anyone. And this dairy was in free stuffs. I like it so i take" you politely says before snatching that book away from her.

"And you....if I was a robber you wouldn't be standing here in your own feets. I would steal your fake necklace that you were flaunting there. And goes away without making any efforts so just confirm before you disturb teacher's important time...hmm" you advise her with a fake smile plaster on your lips. A person like her. Is to handle in her own way.

"See sir I'm telling you something is wrong with her" she pointed at me as you just rolled your eyes.

"Seriously"  huff out.

"Miss you have to tell me what you are doing here or i should have to report it to the Authorities. Are you a student?" He asked as he takes his book out for looking something.

"I...i" your eyes wander around to find some help as you look at the banner.

New enrollments....

"I..I'm a new transfer student here" you says as he nods with glancing at me.

"I forgot my class. It's my first day here" you added as the girl look at you up and down doubtfully. You slightly smirked causing her to boil in anger.

"But sir-"

"Miss tang you do your work and let me do mine. Miss you have to come with me" he says as you nods politely seeing miss tang goes away stomping her heels.

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