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Yoonah POV

After talking to my father i came out as, my eyes fall on the minion's officer standing outside guarding them as he looked at me with questionable eyes. Usually, I would be yelling and quarreling with him. Over small things. But now I don't think I have the energy left to say something. I give him a side look and go away.

A cold sigh run up to my lips, as I came back to the junior's house and glanced over at my mom who was playing with a little fairy. Teaching them small magic tricks. I smiled softly seeing her so much occupied with them. Their small giggles bring smiles to her lips.

"Yoonah you came back" I heard my mother's voice as i tried to show her my best smile pushing back all the tension. I smiled widely and run upto her.

"Mother" i laugh hugging her as i see fairy fly over me sits on my shoulder. I great him with a smile as he shyly turn his face on other side. His whole face turns into deep red shade.

"I'm hungry mother" i whines as i slowly take her hand in mine as shook it back and forth.

"Then why don't you eat something?" She looks at me with quetioning eyes. I bite my tongue.

My mind has so much that i even forgot that i have magic.

"Oh yeah" i laughed nervously, before mothers move her hand in air and a big fruit pie come in front of me. I chuckled before taking it from her and stared to eat. I sits in side of my mom as all the students farewell from her. They all have a big smile thinking about going home.

"What are you thinking about honey?"suddenly she asked as i coughed out. Clearing my mouth. I chuckled and said.

"What are you talking about mother" i try to avoid her questions as i focus on pie more.

"We can hear your thoughts yoonah" a long sighs escape form my mouth before i make the half-eaten pie disappear.

"I'm assisting for my first wish work mother" i softly whisper looking at the sunset. Its warmness gives me little warmth and easiness to say what i really want to say.

"Then it's good....isn't" mother softly cup my cheeks as a warm smile spread on her lips before it disappears. I sighs she hear. She hear all my thoughts. Immediately engulfing me in her arms she tights her grip around me. her delicate fingers tightly grasping my clothes. 

"No..no yoonah. You are not going for this. Your father will do something to make you stay don't worry" she said as she cares my head. Her eyes were filled with worries. Simply just like protective mother for her kids.

"But mother you or father you both can't go against god. He...he gave me this work. And i will have to do it. No matter what" i whisper quietly i know they both are worried about me. They say they will do anything but to be honest they know they can't go against god orders. We  are just mere fairy. His workers. I took her warm hands in mine as i caress her skin softly.

"Don't worry about me mother your yoonah is strong" i explained her,

"Silly girl" she chuckled, she hugs me tightly as i rest my head on her chest. Feeling all my mother  love and warmth.

Ok i'll be going then,

I bows slightly, as she nods i can see in her eyes that she doesn't have heart to let me go. After talking to my mother. I goes to the wishes pond with letter crunch in my hand. I look around only to find my father smiling at me.

"Dear one more thing. I came here to tell you that you can't use all your power As you are going to earth you can't use them fully. Only can use it to help your client. Dear your power gives you energy. If you use much it can lead to your physical weakness. you fairy mark will work as an indicator to tell your energy level. it's dullness indicates your weak powers and don't let it fade away. You can only use your full  fairy power for just one time so, you have to be careful while using them." I nods as he extends his hands and gently Caress my head. Within a moment i feel lightheaded and weightless but it goes away soon.

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