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Approx. 1 year ago.

Y/N graduated with fair marks and was off to find a job. She learned some extra skills after her graduation. Soon she landed in an MNC on a good post. 'Too good to be true', she thought.

Within a few days of working, she noticed that the director behaved strangely with her. It made her uncomfortable but she didn't pay much attention to him and focused on work, more importantly, on earning more. She often worked overtime. She moved out of her parent's house and soon wanted to leave the country.

A place where no one knew her, a place with peace and no humans around. That's where she dreamt to go.

One afternoon, the director called her to talk about something important. She went to his cabin.

"May I come in sir?" she asked.

"Yes Y/N", he said with a smile.

She entered and stood in front of him waiting for him to speak.

"Please have a seat", he said.

She settled herself in the chair.

The director began, "I want to ask you something Y/N".

"Please go ahead."

"Are you married?"

'I guess I mentioned that in the application form', she thought.

"No sir, I'm not."

"I see. Are you seeing someone?"

He sounded formal but surely wasn't.

'What's up with this personal shit', she thought.

He looked at her for a while, trying to read her mind. He said, "Look, you need to answer this. We are looking forward to giving you an incredible offer."

She took a deep breath and answered, "No sir, I'm not."

"Great. See you at the party in the evening."


"Oh! I forgot to mention. I'm throwing a party tonight for the interns to get familiar with the staff. Please come."

"Sure sir."

She left the room. Sitting at her desk, she tried to smell the director's intentions. What was he planning, was the main question here. She brushed off all the thoughts and focused on her work.

The day passed.

She went home, got changed into another hoodie and a pair of jeans. She hardly wore anything else. Insecurities? Maybe.

She went to the party. People stared at her for what she was wearing. Probably, some women even gave her disgusted looks. But it was Y/N, she didn't give a fuck.

Director called her name. She made her way through people and their piercing gazes. Director handed her a glass of wine. He then announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, I feel so honored to introduce our new finance manager, Y/N L/N."

Everyone was surprised for a second but the place soon got filled with applause. Y/N couldn't process what she just heard. Was it a joke?

Director put an arm around her. She flinched from sudden touch.

" Cheer up girl! I know you've been with us for 3 months only but let me remind you, you've got everything you need for this position", the man said.

"Thank you", she muttered.

"Moreover, there's one more position that I have to offer to you."

She waited for him to speak.

"I want you to be my woman."

Her eyes widened. Some things made sense now.

He added, "Come on, your charm worked the day we interviewed you. Also, you have a lot of admirers."

She swallowed hard.

He continued, "So, before anyone dares to approach you, I want you to be reserved for me."

The glass of wine, which she didn't even take a sip from, slipped out of her grip and shattered on the marble floor.

She raced back home. She locked herself in and cried. 'Why me? Out of the whole fucking world, why me?'

Sukuna's Psychopath (Sukuna X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now