The Calm before the Storm

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"Where is he?" asked Mio. Yujji's disappearance was not at all astounding, in fact, Mio expected him to make some move and he did.

"Well, I think..." Satoru hesitated to guess a place where they could find him. His intuition was that the boy had gone to the temple but there were mixed thoughts. Yujji was of the spontaneous kind and he could have gone for a jog or something and might have forgotten his way back to the dorm. Final place, Satoru thought, was somewhere in a fan meet of some female Japanese pop star, where Yujji and Todo might be thirsting over her big ass.

"We should check the temple," Maki suggested.

"Let me make some calls first." Yujji's phone was not reachable for some unknown reason. Satoru called Utahime who cursed him for around fifteen minutes for flirting with her. As soon as she stopped, he asked if Todo was at school. The woman told him that he had gone to find his best friend because, obviously, his phone was not reachable.

Satoru wanted to avoid going to the temple, Mio had already faced the consequences and he didn't want others to get hurt. Although all his students were trained, none was strong enough to deal with an army of curses of different grades.

"Let's wait for him," suggested Satoru. "He is a smart boy, he will find his way back to us."

Mio had been practising her profession for almost four years and with time, she had learned the art of catching lies with mere expressions of the speaker. "You can avoid it now but sooner or later, you will have to face fate," she said.

"That temple is the death of all of us." It was more of a warning. Satoru inched closer to Mio as if he was trying to scare her.

"You can't avoid death forever."

"Gotcha, Miss detective. I'm still not going."

"Y/N is there."

Satoru inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. He was plainly frustrated. "I never planned to involve you in this mess," he said, pointing at Mio and stepping away. His voice was harsh like a teacher who was about to burst out on a kid who never finished his homework. "You are literally a burden. All you want is to catch the criminal. Yeah? You will put her behind the bars and the job will be over. Just like that! You will receive some rewards from the government. Our very able officer Miss Mio caught the infamous murderer. Wow! Cheers from the crowd. You will become a celebrated officer. Not everyone gets this kind of fame. True, isn't it?" After reading Mio's pale face for a minute, he said, "Wake up, pretty lady! You only see what's on the surface. There's another side of that criminal that you would never understand. Why? Because to you, she is someone who kills the so-called innocents."

Satoru, Maki, Toge, the trees, and the air waited for Mio's answer. But either she did not want to speak or she was hit by the bitter truth.

"Y/N knows what she is doing and I know what I am doing," said Satoru with a nod. "Please leave."

Mio stood as if someone had sucked air out of her. Yes, it was just another case for her, an interesting one though and she was determined to solve it. Satoru and his students had helped her a lot in the process but they never really wanted her to be there. Where Mio saw them as her teammates, they saw her as nothing but a burden. With time, she started to feel comfortable around them. They were the ones she had trusted ever since they told her about their magical yet cursed world.

After what Satoru said, Mio couldn't decide if she felt furious or hurt. Her eyes were fixed on Satoru's black glasses. The profession demanded emotions to be kept aside and she had certainly followed her mind before her heart, although this time her heart was not ready to comprehend Satoru's rude words. He might have been kidding, she kept thinking. He was the same guy who was flirting with her the previous day.

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