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The forced training wasn't as draining and painful as she thought it would be, probably because she knew most of the moves that were being taught to her and her reflexes acted on their own, however, Satoru proved to be a pain in the arse when she had to spar with him. Although, sometimes she won because he couldn't use his cursed energy against her, it was of no use of course and poor Y/N was unaware of this ability of hers. She was yet to discover that she could not get hurt with anyone's cursed energies. The training went on for three months and she grew tired of practicing same moves over and over again. She knew all about the cursed weapons and was very well prepared to put them into use. All the sorcerers believed that she was ready to go on missions with them, at least to assist them.

Sukuna didn't show up routinely, but checked on her enough to make her feel delighted. He congratulated her on completion of the training, which wasn't really needed. Y/N was grateful for his presence in her life but one thing kept disturbing her and she never asked for any explanations from him as she respected his personal space as well as she didn't want to sound desperate. The question was that why weren't they allowed to touch each other. Every single time when she tried to hold his hand or tried to hug him, he either stepped away or left the place. He said she was special, he said she was important, then why? Was he hiding something or did he simply not like physical contacts?

Sukuna was showing her all the directions in the jungle and told her recognize all the unique trees in order to find her way out no matter where she was. He wanted to take her to his place, his domain, in general but felt that she was not ready yet.

"Say Sukuna, where do you live?" she asked while examining the unique features of a banyan tree.

A mind reader, Sukuna thought. "I'll take you there soon. I don't live in a place like yours. In fact, it is more like hell and I don't want to scare you by how tedious it looks."

"That makes me much more curious." Y/N continued to memorize the trees and directions.

Sukuna looked patiently at her dreaming of how close they would have been if she hadn't lost her memories of him, if she hadn't fall into that blindfolded sorcerer's trap that night, if he could tell her earlier that he loved her. But the damage was done and there was no going back. "Y/N," he called softly.

"Yes?" She shifted her focus from trees to him. As she glanced at his face, she secretly admired his features, the red eyes glowing in the dark, the markings on his face, his hair dancing with the cold breeze. The sight was worth watching.

"We should head back."

"Yeah." Y/N stared at his hand for a brief moment and tried to reach for it. He pulled away even before she could touch a single finger. "Sorry," she said and began walking. Something poked her in the back and she turned to see. A small stick was held by Sukuna in her direction. Confused, she narrowed her eyes at him. His response was a smile and not a single word he uttered. Still unsure, Y/N held the other end of the stick.

"Good girl." Sukuna smiled and they began walking parallel to each other with a stick that they both held the either ends of. Y/N was flustered but managed to hide it from him.

"Why did you teach me all that fighting stuff?" she asked.

"Why? Is it wrong to teach a girl self defense?"

"No, I'm just curious. Did I ask you to teach me?"

"Yes, you were attacked by some drunk thugs one night and you were devastated that you couldn't protect yourself." Partially true but she believed it.

"I couldn't protect myself?" The shock was clear in her tone. "Who saved me?"

"That brat." He didn't have to take Yujji's name as in three months she had grown accustomed to him calling Yujji, 'The brat.'

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