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The next morning, Y/N opened her laptop and checked the e-mails. She opened William's mail. It read, "Greetings, Y/N. Heard about your bad health. Please take good care of yourself and join back soon. Moreover, I tried calling you several times but your phone is off." It reminded her that she needed a new phone. She opened the online shopping site and ordered one. In response to her boss's e-mail, she wrote, "I apologize for worrying you. Can you please send me your number, I broke my phone and all the data is lost. Thank you."

To distract her mind from the mysterious man, she turned on the T.V. Switching through different channels, she stopped on the music one. The advertisement ended and the music played. She immediately recognized the song and sang along.

When the white flag sails, covered in streaks of blood

There'll be an endless sea, of us rising up

And the preacher man, and the preacher's son

Stand arm in arm, just like everyone

Me longing to be free, I won't let you fade away

We shed so many dreams, I'll let them fade away...

She went to the kitchen to fetch something to eat and found nothing. "Shit! I need to go out," she said irately. "Or should I just sleep?" The decision was not that hard, she turned off the T.V. and went to sleep. As soon as she closed her eyes, she saw the red eyed man and immediately opened her eyes. "I think I should go out, I need food." She put on a hoodie and joggers, and grabbed her card. She was wearing her shoes when the doorbell rang. "Not you again," she rolled her eyes. To her surprise it was not Satoru, rather it was Inumaki.

"Going somewhere?" he asked. Since his cursed speech had no effect on her, he could talk normally with her.

"Grocery shopping. My kitchen is empty."

"Mind if I go with you?"

She shook her head.

"Let's go then."

Y/N nodded. She stepped outside and locked the door.

"How are you now?" Inumaki asked.

"Good. You?"


They silently walked to the grocery store and Y/N halted before the glass door.

"What happened?" Inumaki asked in confusion.

"Why are we here?" Y/N's question confused him more.

'Is she joking?' he thought. "You needed to come here."


"Did you... really forget?"

"Forget what?"

"You said that your kitchen is empty."

Y/N said nothing and looked clueless which made it clear that she had forgotten everything for real. Inumaki felt bad, he held her wrist and took her into the store. "Don't worry, we just need something to eat," he whispered. He grabbed a cart and went from shelf to shelf stuffing it with two packets of rice, some packs of instant noodles, bread and some sauces. They went to the counter and Y/N made the payment.

Inumaki messaged Satoru about the incident of Y/N forgetting something so simple. 'Is it because of the overdose?' he couldn't figure out. 'Or did grandpa do something to her?'

After they finished lunch, Y/N took her medicines. "I forgot to ask," she said. "Why did you come here?"

"Gojo sensei was a bit busy so he told me to spend the afternoon with you."

Sukuna's Psychopath (Sukuna X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now