The Hunt

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Friday was the day for the hunt. At five in the morning, Y/N sat in her bedroom, fidgeting a knife with her fingers and staring outside the window. The leaves of the tree danced in response to the gentle wind. Y/N had an idea that John had been planning something. She had faith in herself yet she felt uneasy with the thought of killing him. Closing her eyes, she tried to calm her mind. Shutting her thoughts, she focused on the tick tock of the wall clock in the silence. For a minute or two, it worked and her mind went blank but she was soon drifted back to her thoughts. Her brain played games with her. Two hours passed, she sat in the same position witnessing the rising sun. Y/N asked herself for the thousandth time if she had the courage and answered herself for the thousandth time, 'Yes, he deserves it. I am not doing anything wrong. I've done that before. It's easy.' She thought about Sukuna and convinced herself that he would be proud. In the trail of thoughts, she lost the track of time. The ring of her phone startled her. She answered without checking the caller ID.


"Hello Miss Y/N. Cyril here." The receptionist from her office spoke.

"Yes Cyril?"

"Aren't you coming today? It's 9:30. Boss is asking for you."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm feeling a bit under the weather. Will be there in an hour."

"Thank you Miss Y/N."

Y/N hung up. She told herself for the last time, "There's no turning back." She stood up to get ready. After taking a warm shower and getting dressed up in formals, she made her way through the living room to the kitchen, where she poured herself a glass of water and brewed coffee. As it percolated, she packed her bag. She poured coffee, added milk and sugar, and finished it quickly in small sips.

As soon as Y/N marked herself present in the attendance register at the reception, Cyril informed her that the boss had been waiting for her in his cabin. Y/N thanked him and went straight to see John expecting him to be angry.

"Why are you late today?" John asked fixing his spectacles at his nose.

"I was a bit ill."

"What happened? Are you okay?" he pretended to be concerned.

"Nothing much. I'm fine now."

"Well, if it's like that, see you at the club tonight."

Y/N smiled. "Sure. I'll go and finish my work now." She left his cabin and went to hers. Candice arrived with some papers and Y/N kept herself busy for the day. As the time passed, the dread inside her grew.

She left office at six in the evening after she promised John to catch up with him at 9 p.m. at 'Queen of Hearts' for drinks.

Facing herself in the mirror, Y/N uttered, "Let's do this." She wore some make up to cover her raccoon eyes which she earned from sleepless nights. Red lipstick completed her look. She wore a white T-shirt, black slim fit shiny pants and a black overcoat. Black flat boots did justice to her outfit. A high ponytail made her look like a badass. She smirked at her reflection. She carefully tucked four knives at the back in her belt.

Y/N entered the club and her eyes searched for her prey. Her eyes landed on John and she observed him sitting at the bar with a glass in his hand and a woman stood close to him. As Y/N approached him, he smiled and gave her a quick side hug. The other woman winked at him and left. Y/N smiled as she knew that they had made plans for seeing each other in future but sadly, John wouldn't live to see any future.

"So, what's in your glass?" Y/N asked John.

"Vodka, want some?"

"Nah," she turned to the bartender and said, "Asahi."

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