Half Truth

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Satoru explained Y/N everything about curses and how it was sorcerers' duty to exorcise them. She was shocked of course, as she didn't remember that she already knew about them. The whole concept of curses, sorcery and exorcism was new to her. Satoru then told her that he was impressed by the fight between her and that curse in the jungle and told her that she was going to join them, the sorcerers in helping them exorcising the curses. A request? Nah. An order. She wasn't given a choice.

"We're gonna start your training from tomorrow," Satoru said.

"I have to go to work."

"But you're free at night. Aren't ya?"

"Dude, really?" She was a bit pissed off by the fact that he was going to take her free time away for something she wasn't really up for.

"Yes, little girl. It's important." Of course it was important. They had to get her on their side before Sukuna enters into her life again.

She nodded flatly. She still couldn't figure out that how she was able to exorcise a curse that was thrice her height, how was she even able to fight?

"Are you there?" Satoru brought her back to the world.


"What are you thinking?"

"You know, when I fought with that curse I felt like I have done this before. I mean I felt like I've fought before. Have I?"

"I don't know." A lie because he was not ready to answer the further questions she would have asked.

Y/N smirked and said, "You know a lot more than you show. You just don't want to spit it out."

He felt awkward. Her words scared him. He felt like the old Y/N just came back. It made him doubt her that whether she was just acting and she actually remembered everything. "I have a question, Y/N," he said.

"Go on."

"If Sukuna comes to you and ask you to choose between him and me. Who would you choose?"

"What?" Y/N laughed. "What a weird question! I would choose you, obviously. Why would I choose someone I don't even know?"

"Right." He felt relieved.

"I smell something fishy here," said Y/N. Satoru's question made it clear that sorcerers were hiding some secrets, particularly about Sukuna.

"Don't think too much."


The same night, while Y/N was dealing with some important documents on her laptop, she heard a sudden tintinnabulation of the wind-chimes in her balcony. She didn't pay any attention at first but then she realized, there was no wind that day. She got up and went outside and she was right, there was no wind. She looked at the chimes which were still dancing. "Could be a bird," she said and went back inside. After turning off all the lights, she sat on the couch, waiting for the chimes to tinkle again. As soon as they tinkled, she rushed outside and saw someone trying to jump down from the railing. "What do you want?" she asked. The man turned around and she wasn't as surprised as she should have been. Sukuna was the one sitting on the railing and ready to run away. "What do you want?" she asked him again.

"Y/N." He couldn't think of anything.

"I know you know my name. Now answer the question."

"Don't join them. You're meant to be with me."

Y/N giggled. "I feel like the most demanded person."

"It's not funny." He stepped down in her balcony and went inside the living room. She followed. "They are trying to keep us apart."

"I knew something wasn't right." She read his expression for a while. A soft and concerned look on an aggressive face. "Why did you refuse to recognize me that day?"

"It was a part of the deal."

"What deal?"

"Y/N, you need to understand and I want you to believe me."

"You're scaring me."

"Don't be scared. Just listen to me, very carefully." He was ready to tell her some truths but didn't know where to begin.

"I'm all ears," she nodded and sat on a chair and indicated Sukuna to sit on the couch.

"Y/N, they never want us to be together,"  he began. "They never want us to even meet. I live in Yujji's body but at night, when he sleeps, I can roam freely. They are not aware about this ability of mine. That's how I am able to come to see you without them knowing. That day, when Satoru invited you to meet me, he told me to make you feel disappointed and if I didn't behave... you would have to... die."

Y/N's eyes widened. She didn't want to believe him but she was failing. Why were his words so convincing? "Why don't they want us to be together?" she asked with a hint of curiosity in her voice.

"Because... I'm a curse."


"I'm considered dangerous to the humans, which I actually am."

"So you kill people?"

"I did about some... hundred years ago."

Putting her palms on her cheeks, she dramatically screamed, "Some hundred years!"


"No, you killed someone some days ago."

"Mmm. Yeah. That was my recent kill."

"Jokes apart. What's our past? How are we connected?" she asked the toughest question.

"I just want to tell you that... you're very... important to me." He seemed like he wanted to say more and Y/N waited for him to speak. His words already made her heart flutter. "We were so close."

"I sense a 'but'."

"But they took all your memories of me."

She stood up and now she was able to understand a lot of things. Some questions were answered. They played with her brain and now she wasn't functioning normally. "I'm gonna kill them all."

"No, don't over react. They did this to save you from me. And Y/N, you can't go and ask them about this, they would know that I am coming to you again and they won't take your memories this time. They'll take you out."

"I get it. But this is strange. You being a curse and we being together, the reasons aren't good enough to kill me. There's more to this story."

He laughed, "You lost your memory but you're still smarter than those sorcerers."

She smiled. "I want to ask something else too."

"I'll answer if I can."

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm not forcing."

"Okay, ask."

"Last night, I exorcised a curse, and in my memory I have never fought anyone. However, now I believe and I know that I have combated before. Did you teach me this skill?"

The look on Sukuna's face was startling. "Yes, it was me."

She closed her eyes and smiled to herself.

"Am I giving you butterflies?"

"Shut up!"

Sukuna smirked. "That's how it's meant to be. Keep smiling like that."

"What should I do next?"

"Go as per their plan. Make them feel like you are with them. And never tell them that I come to see you."

"Roger that." Y/N was happy that first, he wasn't a stranger; second, he told her that she was important to him and third, she knew a lot more about what was wrong with her memory. She was ready to move ahead in her life with calculated steps. His presence gave her a reassuring aura, and she believed he would always be there whenever she needed him.

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