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Swimming in a pool full of my tears

I wish you were here with me


This chapter shows flashbacks of abuse and assault. If you are uncomfortable with topics of the sort, please skip the flashback! Thank you

 If you are uncomfortable with topics of the sort, please skip the flashback! Thank you

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𝟭𝟮:𝟬𝟬 𝗣𝗠


The bright afternoon sunlight glared at me through the blinds of my childhood room. Leave me the hell alone sun. My eyes flutter open as a big morning stretch makes its first appearance. I slowly retrieve from my bed and prop my body up with my elbows.

Home Sweet Home. My eyes scanned the premier of my room. The grey painted walls with photos of my family and friends. My small open bathroom looks clean and fresh. Fuck, I forgot to shower after I came home.

My legs swing off the bed and walk towards my suitcase. I immediately throw the case onto my bed and start to unzip it. I had packed a lot of comfortable clothes and lots of cute clothes for my visitation. My hand opens and flips the suitcase wide open to see all my nicely folded clothes. I decide to wear my everyday look since I'm home and do not need to have any further meetings about the Russians.

I lift my clothes into my arms and walk into the bathroom to turn on the shower. My clothes slowly come off piece by piece and my hair falls down my back from my messy bun. I slowly step into the warm shower. My muscles immediately go soft as the warmness of the water hits my body.

This is life. All my worries slowly fade away as my mind becomes empty. Lately, showers have become a safe place for me. With having to take down the Russians from future wars to having no quality time for myself or Elijah, I'm so tired. I just need a good vacation away from everything and everyone.

My eyes start to close as my back hits the shower wall. My breath starts to become more frequent as my head starts to fill up again.



"COME OVER HERE YOU BITCH!" his manly scream erupts through my eardrums. My heartbeat quickens as the realization what's about to happen. My hair immediately gets pulled and I'm immediately dropped hard onto the tile floor.

"You thought you could easily get away from me huh? Well, that's not the case for me you slut. YOU WILL NEVER BE FREE FROM ME OR ELSE I WILL RUIN YOUR SORRY LITTLE LIFE." The immediate feeling of burning filled my lower body as his knuckles made contact with mine.

"N-n-no please! I-I-I-I'm s-sorry!" I begged mercilessly as his assault got even worse. He viciously picked my small body up and threw me against the wall. His hands pin mine up. "I swear to every God around me you WILL NOT DISOBEY ME! DO YOU UNDERSTAND MILANA?!"

I shake my head in fear and he slowly drops me to my weak legs. "I expected more from you Milana"

I did too


"MILANA SNAP OUT OF IT! MILANA PLEASE SNAP OUT OF IT" the feeling of someone wrapping me in their arms alerts me. My daze snaps off and I notice I'm out of the shower. I look up to see my Mom and Myrka trying to calm me down.

My head immediately fills up with the flashback and I start to cry again. My sobs start to get louder and louder as the feeling of the burning filled my body again. "This is gonna hurt. Hold her down" I hear a voice say. A piercing feeling went through my arm. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

My vision goes blurry and my body feels numb. I suddenly am flown away into a dark vision. I was gone.

Word Count: 899 Words

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Word Count: 899 Words

Started: November 21, 2021

Ended: March 25, 2022

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