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𝟭 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵 𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿

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𝟭 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵 𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿...

It's been a full 2 months since we've found out I was pregnant. Elijah and I decided to keep it a secret until we find out the gender so we can surprise everyone. I'm now 18 weeks and I have an appointment for the OBGYN to find out the baby's gender.

Ever since we found out I was pregnant, Elijah has been very overprotective of me. He doesn't let me do anything by myself anymore. It was cute in the beginning but as my emotions started getting all over the place, it got annoying. We live in one of Elijah's Italian estates since we don't want any of my family seeing my growing belly. My baby belly is starting to poke its way out in all of my clothes so I started using all of Elijah's shirts since they are very oversized on me. I'm currently waiting on Elijah to take me to the doctor. I'm wearing a black oversized shirt with matching biker shorts and checkered vans since those are the only shoes that are fitting my semi-swollen feet. "Beauty, are you ready?" Elijah walks in slowly and hangs out at the doorway. "Yup, let's go see what baby Knight is." I walk up to Elijah and peck his lips.

We slowly walk to the car since I'm starting to waddle like a penguin. Elijah opens the car door for me and I climb in. My hands strap down onto the seatbelt and gently place it over my growing belly. "How is my Princess doing?" Elijah says as he hops in and closes the door. "I have a really good feeling it's not a girl, my love." A small giggle ends my sentence and Elijah places his hand on my bump. "I think we'll be happy with any gender, yes?" We both nod our heads yes and drive to the appointment.


"Milana Bianche?"

Elijah and I's head turns to the nurse and we grab our things to go into the actual room. "Welcome to the ultrasound room. The Doctor will be in here in just a minute." The nice nurse says as I go and sit on the bed. I lower my pants so that the Doctor's able to do the ultrasound. "This damn baby is always kicking my bladder." And it's true. Never in a million years would I think I would be going pee every hour of the night.

"She's gonna be a soccer player, huh my princess." Elijah cooed at my growing stomach and I rolled my eyes. My Doctor shortly came in and started the whole procedure. "Okay, let's see what baby Knight is." She started to circle my stomach with the ultrasound wand. "And I see baby." Elijah and I immediately look at the monitor and see our baby. "Okay, I see that baby Knight is a........BOY." Our jaws drop and a sudden excitement fills up my body. The Doctor shuts off the machine and turns on the light. "Congrats on your baby boy! I have ultrasound pictures being printed for you guys. I'll see you guys at next month's appointment!" The Doctor gives me wipes so I can remove the access gel from my stomach. "See, Momma's always right huh?" I laugh out and Elijah helps me off the bed. "Now all we have to do is surprise your family." Surprisingly, I'm not scared for my family to find out. Elijah has a good relationship with everyone. Especially my Papa since he's known Elijah longer than he's known me.

"Before we head to my parents' house, can we get food? This baby is making me get hangry." I caress my stomach and we were off to the nearby drive-thru.


"I'm home!" My keys clank on the front door as I walk into my childhood home with Elijah holding the pregnancy announcement presents for my Mom and Dad. "We're in the kitchen." I heard my Mamas's voice echo and we walk to the kitchen to see my Mama and Dad cooking in the kitchen. "La mia Principessa." My Papa said and I gave him a side hug. It's like a dream come true to come to my childhood home and my Dad is in bed or doing something. "So we have a little surprise for everyone. I know that Juliano and Myrka are at school but I wanted to give you guys your presents early. Both my parents questionably looked at me and Elijah. "Ooh, is it food?" Mama asks and I laugh. "No, it's something better than food."

(Translation: My beautiful princess)

"Go sit, go sit." Both my parents obeyed and sat at the kitchen table. I get the small box from Elijah's hands and place it in front of them. "Now this is a family gift. We all have to share this gift." My Mom slowly starts to unbox the gift while my Dad eyes it. "Hi, Grandpa and Grandma? We aren't Grandparents?" My dad says and my Moms eyes widen big. "You're pregnant?" My Mom says and I nod with tears in my eyes. Mama screams and pushes me in a hug. "Oh my baby, my beautiful baby." She cries out and I hug her tightly into me. I look at my Dad from the corner of my eye and see that's he's crying. "Papa, why are you crying?"

My hands start to push away from my Mama as I go and run to my Dad. "Because I missed out on so much. I've missed out on literally everything that's happened. The last time I saw you, you were my little best friend. Now, I'm gonna be a Grandpa. I'm so happy, Princess." Tears fall down my face as I dig my face into his chest. "I love you Dad."

I love you too.

Word Count: 980 Words

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Word Count: 980 Words

Started: November 21, 2021

Ended: March 25, 2022

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