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𝟯 𝟭/𝟮 𝗗𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿

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𝟯 𝟭/𝟮 𝗗𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿...

𝗖𝗮𝗻𝗰𝘂𝗻 𝗠𝗲𝘅𝗶𝗰𝗼

"Mi Amor, are you ready?" I ask Elijah as he packs up the last of his things. We are on the way to the airport since we have to back to Italy. Elijah was called into an important business meeting in America so we had to call the vacation short. "I'm ready, my love." Elijah takes our luggage and we were out.

The taxi was already in the front of the hotel so we were able to hop in. The car ride to the airport was very calming but something felt... different? I didn't feel like myself. It wasn't like a physical appearance but it was deep down inside. Like a good difference. Maybe it was because this vacation changed me a bit. Hopefully.

"We're here, Mr. Knight." The driver says and stops in front of Elijah's private jet. "Thank you, sir." Elijah hops out and opens my door. The airline workers take out luggage from the car and take it into the plane. I grab Elijah's hand and we get up onto the plane stairs.

Some beverages and snacks were on the table. I ran to get all the snacks. I don't know what got into me but the hunger just took over my body. I quickly ate all the chips and sat down on the nicely cushioned seat. Elijah stared at me in confusion but drank his water. My eyes felt very heavy and I fell asleep again.


18 hours later...

The feeling of someone nudging my side makes its appearance. I open my eyes a bit and see Elijah giving over me. "Come on, beauty. We're in Italy now." Elijah says as he gently picks me up like a baby. I wrap my legs around him and he starts to laugh. Why do I feel so needy? "I'm gonna drop you off at your house and I have to go to America. I'll be back in 2 days, okay my love?" Elijah asks and I nod. He kisses my temple and walks down to the car. Our luggage was already in the back since our bodyguards did that. I felt Elijah drop me onto the floor as he opens the car door for me.

I slip into the seat and feel an immediate sickness drop onto my stomach. I try to swallow it down but it came back stronger and harder. I opened the door and threw up everything in my system. Elijah comes to my help and ties my hair up. "Baby, what's wrong?" Elijah asks as I lift my head back up and dump back into the seat, in pain. "I don't even know, it's probably a sickness of some sort." I feel his eyes on me but I try to zone out from the pain.

I feel a stronger pain hit my stomach and I start to cry out. "What's wrong, baby?" I heard Elijah but it sounded cloudier and cloudier until I couldn't hear anything. I felt my eyes close and darkness come over me.

I was gone.


I ran circles in the hospital lobby, just waiting on an update about Milana

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I ran circles in the hospital lobby, just waiting on an update about Milana. One minute she's cuddling with me and the other she's passed out. She seemed fine to me but what's wrong with her. I don't have her Mothers number but I have Emiliano's number. Thankfully, he told everyone and they should be here at the hospital soon. 

"Elijah Knight?" I hear my name being called and look behind me to see Milanas doctor. "Doctor, what's wrong with her? How's she doing?" I ask and the Doctor laughs. "She's doing much better than fine. She was just a bit dehydrated but she's back to normal now and is asking for you." The Doctor says and I thank him. "Room 234. It should be on the left." I nod and run down the hall to find room 234. I knocked on the door and hear the sweet voice of my beautiful girlfriend. I open the door to see Milana laying on the hospital bed with the TV being on.

"Oh, my love." Milana says as she opens her arms for me and I quickly place my body into her arms. "How are you feeling, love?" I ask and I feel Milana take a deep breath. "Uhm, I guess I'm okay..." She goes silent and I feel her body tense up. "You're not telling me something, aren't you?" I look up at her and she nods. I see a small tear drop from her eye and I quickly wipe it away. "What's wrong?" The silence started to make me nervous. "Please don't be mad at me. Please don't." I feel my heartbeat quicken. "I will never ever get mad at you." Thun. Thun. Thun. Thun. "I'm pregnant."

My eyes widened and a bright smile comes onto my face. "Oh my God, I'm gonna be a Dad." Milanas eyes widened as she saw my reaction. "Y-you're not mad?" Milana asks and I grab her hands into mine. "Why would I be mad at you, my love. You're carrying our baby. A beautiful mix of the both of us?" I start to feel tears well up in my eyes in joy. We both are sobbing babies at this point and I hug Milana with all my might.

This is all I've ever dreamt of.

This is all I've ever dreamt of

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Word Count: 956 Words

Started: November 21, 2021

Ended: March 25, 2022

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