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So call out my name

Call out my name when I kiss you so gently

I want you to stay

I want you to stay

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There stood a tall, masculine man. My masculine man. What. Why. How?

"What are you doing here?" A slow murmur escaped my lips. I told him I was leaving almost 2 days ago. "I'm a man full of surprises, yes? Also, your Uncle personally invited my family to celebrate your Fathers legacy since my Father and yours were mates." He slowly said as he scanned my body up and down. He had on his signature hoodie and sweats combo that always made him look like a bear to me.

"Oh um, that's very interesting." I didn't know how to feel at this exact moment. I was so happy that he was here, but I was questioning a lot of things.

"Don't worry, I have my hotel room in the city. I won't barge in unless you want me to." He winked at me and heat filled my core. This man can easily take me down on my knees.

"Shut up, come inside. It's getting cold and I don't want you to get sick." I dragged him into the house and pecked him on the lips. "Wow, I didn't expect that welcome gift but I'll gladly take it" He mumbled before kissing me back passionately. He bites my lip asking for entrance but I deny.

"We can't do this here. Follow me." I grab his hand and we walk quietly to my room without trying to have anyone see him. I'm not ashamed of him, It's just that I don't want to be answering questions right now. 

I was easily able to sneak him inside my room since everyone had resided in their rooms for the night. My hand wraps around the doorknob and we're met with my dark, white room. I walk in and flip the switch so that my small lamp would lighten up the room.

Elijah walks slowly into my room and closes the door. "So this is your childhood room?" Elijah gives me a snarky look and I nod. "Yes, I grew up in this room. My Dad had surprised my Mom with a nursery for me after we moved in with him." My eyes droop down to my hands. A comfortable silence filled the room.

"Do you know how beautiful you look today?" My eyes scan back onto Elijah. I've had many people compliment me but this felt different. A heat rose upon my cheeks as I blushed like an idiot. Elijah noticed my blushing phase and chuckled. I covered my face with my hands to try and make the embarrassment go away.

Elijah steps closer to me and wraps his big hands around my waist. I put my hands down from my face and look Elijah in the eye. He stood in front of me and leaned into my ear. "You're so sexy, Milana." His lips graze against my ear and a soft gasp escapes my lips.

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