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𝟭 𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿

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𝟭 𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿...


"Come on, my loves. We need to go." I say to my family as we get escorted off the plane. This is our first time going to Italy with our little one, Genevieve Luna. The Princess of the Knight family. Our sons love their baby sister and would do anything to see her smile. Elijah has heightened as a girl dad ever since she was born.

Elijah grabs the baby from me and walks off the plane. I grab Jaxon and put him on my waist as I help the twins off the plane. Our luggage was placed into the rental car already so we didn't have to worry about that.

We placed our children safely into the car and go in the front. "Who's ready to see Papa Ale and Abuela?" I said and all the kids, including Genevieve, started to raise their hands in excitement. This is our first time coming to Italy with Genevieve. We weren't able to go since the plane ride here was so long and wouldn't be able. Now, we're able to go since Genevieve is 1 1/2 years old and can handle longer periods of travel.

Elijah starts the car and we were off to my childhood home.


"We're here!" I scream out as we pull up to the familiar vehicle check gates. The guards immediately let us through and we slowly drive into the front of the house. My eyes wander to the back of the car and all of our kids are sleeping peacefully. A laugh escapes my mouth as the car stops. "We're here," Elijah says as he slowly gets out of the car. I follow his lead and start taking the kids out of the car. Genevieve was the easiest one to get since she was the lightest than Jaxon. My feet quickly make their way up to the front door and I knock quietly.

"MY BABIES ARE HERE." Mama's voice echoes from the inside and I start to laugh. She opens the door and immediately grabs me into a hug. Not tightly but just enough to the point where she can get closer to me. "Oh, my Jax Jax and Gg. They're so beautiful. Where's the other 3?" Mama asks and I point over to the car. "They're sleeping in the car. I need to put these little ones down so I can help him." Mama nods and I walk into the house and the guest bedroom we use every time we visit. I slowly lay both the babies onto the bed and surround Genevieve with a pillow bed so she wouldn't fall. Jaxon's little body was cuddling his sister so I knew they were both safe. I ran to the car to help with the other 3. Elijah had Adrian and Leo in his arms and I quickly got Silas from his seat. "Do you have our zoo animals?" Elijah said and I almost wanted to scream out a laugh.

We walk into the house and see my Mama viewing our other sleeping babies. "Is Papa here?" Mama shakes her head no. "He's on an important business call right now. He'll be out until tomorrow morning."


"The itsy bitsy spider crawled up the water spout.
Down came the rain, and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain,
and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again."

I sang to Genevieve as I bounced her on my lap. Her small baby giggled fills up the room and I laughed at her reaction. No matter how big my children will get, they will always be my babies. It's now night and most of the kids are sleeping in the guest room, AKA my childhood room my parents turned into the children's room. I'm wearing my usual pajama attire, which is some booty shorts and a low cute satin shirt.

Elijah walks in, shirtless and with boxers, and comes into bed with us. He lays his head on my chest and starts to play with Genevieve's fingers. 'Dada' she says as she sees her Papa and a big grin comes onto Elijah's face. "9 years ago, If you told me I would be here in bed with my gorgeous wife and have 4 handsome boys, I would have slapped you." I start to laugh and comb my fingers through his hair. Genevieve starts to fall asleep on my chest as all of our eyes lowly close.

"I'm so in love with you, Milana Bean Knight. My beautiful, sexy wife with the attitude of a lion." Elijah raises his head to kiss me on the lips. "And I love you, Elijah Anthony Knight."


Word Count: 908 Words

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Word Count: 908 Words

Started: November 21, 2021

Ended: March 25, 2022

And this is the official end of this story! I'm so happy to say that I've accomplished this book in under a year! I love this story with my heart and I'm so happy a lot of you find joy in reading this! THANK YOU, EVERYONE AND I LOVE YOU ALL

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And this is the official end of this story! I'm so happy to say that I've accomplished this book in under a year! I love this story with my heart and I'm so happy a lot of you find joy in reading this! THANK YOU, EVERYONE AND I LOVE YOU ALL

Now, for the information, everyone has been waiting for. THE SEQUEL IS READY TO BE PUBLISHED VERY SOON! The story will revolve around Silas Knight, the eldest son of Elijah and Milana, and a Mexican-American assassin. I'll be posting sneak peeks and more BUT I will leave everyone with this sneak peek ;)

 I'll be posting sneak peeks and more BUT I will leave everyone with this sneak peek ;)

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H.E.R | Sinful

May 7th, 2022

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