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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘆

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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘆...

"Your Dad. He's alive."

My phone drops out of my hand and a violent sob rang out of my chest. He's alive. My dad. My protector. Elijah came to quickly console me. Where. What. How. All these questions rang freely throughout my mind. I heard the phone still connected to the call and brought the phone back to my ear. "I'll be home in 20 minutes." I immediately hung up the phone and ran to put my dress back on.

"Elijah, I'm so sorry. I have to leave. My Dad is alive and I need to find out what the hell is going on." My hands shake as I run to put my dress back on and Elijah quickly follows my lead and we're headed to his car. Fresh hot tears stream down my face.

The car ride to my house was absolute silence. No one spoke a word. What were we supposed to say to each other? No words could explain how upset I was. The sadness faded away quickly and turned into pure anger. Elijah's car went to an abrupt stop at the house gate. I unbuckled my seatbelt and quickly ran over to the house. The front door was unlocked.

The kitchen light was lit so I knew everyone was awake. My heels hitting the floor as I was speedrunning was the confirmation to everyone awake in the house. I walked in and saw both my siblings looking distressed on the couch and a tear-stained Mom that held her hands in tight fists. Zio Emiliano was angrily looking at the floor and his face was a pale color of red.

Mama looked at me with sadness as she ran to hug me. Tears started pouring out of both of our eyes. "How is it p-possible?" I asked as I looked at Emiliano and I dug my head deeper into my mom's neck. "The Russians sent an audio record of someone beating up on a man. I heard him. I heard your Dad. He's being held against his will in Russia. We know where he's at." Zio Emiliano slapped the wall in anger. "I swear those Russians don't know who they're fucking with. They took away my and my siblings' chance to have a Dad. HE MISSED EVERY IMPORTANT MILESTONE FOR JULIANO AND MYRKA. THERE'S NO FUCKING TIME MACHINE TO GET THOSE MEMORIES BACK." My voice screams out and everyone looks at me stunned. "I don't give a fuck if I die trying but we are getting him back. Emiliano, call everyone and their Mafias. We are getting our Papa back."


Somewhere in Russia...

"The plan is now in action, everyone. The Italians and their allies will be coming soon to retrieve their precious cargo. It's time to show them who's the real boss."

Word Count: 678 Words

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Word Count: 678 Words

Started: November 21, 2021

Ended: March 25, 2022

I'm very sorry that this update is very short :,) This is what everyone has been waiting for!!!! This chapter is the beginning of the end of this book ;) The next chapter will fuck you up 😩🤞🏼😍😍

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I'm very sorry that this update is very short :,) This is what everyone has been waiting for!!!! This chapter is the beginning of the end of this book ;) The next chapter will fuck you up 😩🤞🏼😍😍


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