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𝟭𝟰 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀 𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿

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𝟭𝟰 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀 𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿...

𝟱 𝗔𝗠

I can't believe it. My Dad. He's back with us. 

It's only been a few hours since we were able to get him back and I feel an immediate weight lifted off my chest. The first man who ever put me first. I'm so happy. No one can explain the happiness in my heart.

My Papa is currently sleeping in the room while we are about to land in Italy. The Doctors said that the damage they did to him was minimal so there wouldn't be any long-lasting injuries. Thank God. After landing, we plan to go home and finally see everyone. My Dad still doesn't know about Juliano or Myrka but it is gonna be the weirdest experience.

Ladies and Gentlemen, our plane is about to land. Please put your seatbelts on.

I fasten my seatbelt and I look at my sleeping Uncle and exhausted man candy sleeping. This is so cute. My body slowly relaxes as the feeling of a sudden peace takes over.



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Awhile Later...

The car was silent as a recovering Alexandros sat next to his Daughter, just wondering about how the love of his life was. Did she change? Does she still love me? Alexandros's thoughts ran faster than anything else. Milana noticed her Father mentally fighting with himself and scooted closer to her, placing her head on his shoulder. "I've missed you so much, Dad." Milana lifted her head and looked at her Dad. A bright smile filled both their faces and Alexandros lightly kissed her temple. "I've missed you too, my love."

The car ride continued until the car stopped at a familiar gate entrance. Alexandros's heart fluttered at the thought of seeing his soul mate again. The car took a stop and everyone began leaving the car. Milana carefully hopped out and helped Alexandros out. The two finally were able to retrieve to the front door. Milana fumbled with the front doorknob until it was successfully opened. Erinna was thankfully in the kitchen and noticed the sound of the front door being opened. She walked into the corridor and saw her beautiful daughter holding her distant lover's hand. Alexandros.

Thun Thun

Thun Thun

Erinna and Alexandros's eyes immediately filled with unshed tears as Erinna ran to hug her lover for the first time in over 17 years. Erinna threw her arms around Alexandros's neck and fell onto his chest. "I've missed you so much, mi amore."  Alexandros sobbed as he hugged the only person he's ever loved in this world. His Queen. His World. "You don't know how much I've missed you, my love." Erinna pushed away from Alexandros and kissed him with all the hidden passions she's had all these years.

Milana watched as her parents met again for the first time in awe. This is what she's wanted to see since she was a little girl and it's now happening. "Oh, my baby!" Nonna and Nonno appeared into the corridor and started crying as they saw their boy. Their baby boy. Alexandros hugged his parents.

Time passed by and it was the early afternoon. The exact time Juliano and Myrka got out of school. Alexandros and Erinna were cuddling each other on the couch. Too scared to let each other go. Milana was sitting across from them in a weird daze. "Alexandros, I need to tell you something but you cannot freak out. Please, just hear the whole thing out." Erinna lightly got up from her spot on Alexandros's chest and looked deeply into his eyes. Alexandros nodded and Erinna began.

"After you supposedly died, I wasn't feeling the best afterward. Mentally and physically. The morning of your funeral, I threw up because of stomach troubles and your Mom gave me a pregnancy test. I took the test and it was positive. I was pregnant. I ended up giving birth to twins. A beautiful baby boy and girl." Erinna's voice cracked as she saw Alexandros begin to cry again. "I-I-I have a family now. Thank you, my love. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to help you." Alexandros cried to Erinna. "Baby look at me. I know your feeling some type of way but all that matters is you're here with us now." The two instantly locked lips again.

"Can I know their names?" Alexandros asked Erinna and Erinna giggled. "Juliano and Myrka. Juliano and Myrka Bianche." Just as the words slipped out, the sound of talking teenagers echoed throughout the house. "Sei così stupido, Juliano," Myrka said to Juliano after he almost tripped her coming into the house. Everyone on the couch jumped up. Juliano and Myrka walked into the living to see their mom and sister standing up. "MILANA YOU'RE BACK," Juliano screamed and ran to hug Milana while Myrka did the same. Milana hugged her siblings in a tight hold.

(Juliano, stop being stupid.)

The hug slowly stopped as the twins noticed their surroundings. There's Mama, Milana, and who's behind Mama? "My babies, I want you to meet someone very special. Your Papa." Alexandros got up from the couch and the twins couldn't believe their eyes. Myrka was always thinking about what her Dad was like and there he was. Myrka ran to her Dad. Just so happy to finally get a hug from her Dad. Her Papa. "I love you, Papa." Alexandros immediately kissed her head and look at Juliano, who had tears running down his face. Alexandros threw his other hand out for Juliano and he took it and both the twins finally got to hold their Dad. For the first time.


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Word Count: 934 Words 

Started: November 21, 2021

Ended: March 25, 2022

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