🖤Just need a Harry Potter moment~Damiano David🖤

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Imagine- Reader gets stressed and damiano reads harry potter to them

Y/ns pov

My head was spinning and i felt like i couldnt take a full breath, i was fine ten minutes ago but its all happening again with my constant worrying about stupid random stuff

I did what i always do, i went to my reading room
(A/N anyone else always wanted like a library in their house like a personal library?)
I go into my reading room and shut the curtain so id be completely alone,and grabbed one of my favourite books,
Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire

I sat in the corner of the room on my large bean bag and read a few pages while taking a drink of water every so often to calm myself down.
I looked at the clock and realised my boyfriend,damiano would be home soon and id have to explain everything to him as we are both really honest in our relationship.

"Bambina? Where are you?"i heard his voice call out in the hallway.

"In here"i replied quitely
I immediately felt safe when i saw his perfect smile but it slowly faded to a look of concern when he saw i still had tear streaks.

"Aw bellesa what happened?"he said as he sat with me on the bean bag and i felt safe in his embrace.

He then saw what book i was reading
"Did you just need a Harry Potter moment?"he smiled at me.
I nodded into his chest as he said
"Why do you love those books so much bambina?"

"Well cause whenever i got scared or sad my mum would read me Harry Potter, hes this boy who has a big, difficult journey ahead of him"i looked up and saw him completely listening to every word i said

"But it was okay cause he had his friends to help, with good friends anyone can do anything"i said this while looking between him and my book in my hands.

After sitting together for a few minutes damiano started reading

"'Dumbledoor calmly said'...pfft have you seen the movie belleza he screamed at the poor kid"he said and it made me laugh really genuinely.

As he read to me i felt myself drift of to sleep to his reading and the steady beating of his heart and next thing i knew i woke up in bed with damiano sleeping peacefully next to me he must of brought me up when i was asleep and i knew i was safe as long as i was with him


Word count: 497

Aww that was kinda cute wasnt it?
I would literally do anything to have damiano read harry potter to me

Anyways im trying to work on some of yalls requests just bare with me cause i have hella tests at school and they make me wanna throw my calculator across the room :)

See you later loves

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