Personal Update

413 9 28

T/W dark thoughts/depression not a lot

Hey guys so um i may or may not be crying while writing this but i wanna take the opportunity to kinda talk to yall about me(also im writing this for both my stories) so in short this app kinda saved my life in a way, in the middle of 2020 i was slipping into a very dark place and it all stemmed from family problems, i downloaded this app and immediately fell in love with a book about a harry potter character and it allowed me to escape my world and enter one where i never felt shitty and alone.

Ive mentioned this in other updates but my family life right now kinda sucks, my dad left late last year and most of the time i feel hated by my mum and sister. I cant remember the last time i spoke to my dad and it didnt end in a fight, legit though whenever i feel crap i go on wattpad and look at all the comments, votes and other messages that you lovely people send me and it makes me feel so much better.

Ive said this before but i dont update books as often as id like because most nights i spent in my room crying with my phone off because im scared of my dad phoning me and yelling at me for no reason,( im crying rn ffs) the things my dad says are honestly traumatising and the worst part is that most of the time i start to believe it,but i just want yall to know that you guys saved me. Ive been feeling depressed for a long time now but i want you all to know that no matter how shit life feels, itll pass because whatever happens is meant to happen and youll feel so much better when it passes.

If any of you feel the way i feel and are lonely, sad or thinking the worst, message me and we can talk it through idc if it takes all night, i wanna be here for all of you, like you are for me. I love all of you guys so much and i truelly dont know if you guys get how much each and everyone of you mean to me

Well thats a lil update on me recently but ill try and keep my sadness and feelings outta my books (should probs try therapy) and i will continue to be the sarcastic, somewhat funny author that yall take time outta ya day to read my books (seriously you guys are the best) and i will try and update as often as i can.

Stay safe my lovely people
Immy x

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