🖤Fuck you David!- Damiano David🖤

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Damiano had been pissed at me since we got home Long story short we'd been out with friends at a bar when a guy started flirting with me, however since he stunk of alchohol and wasnt crossing my boundaries i just ignored him and sat back down with vic.

Thomas must of seen the interaction between the guy and me, since next thing i knew damiano was beating the living shit out of the guy.

Damiano had been drinking quite a bit so he wasnt thinking straight


"go near my girl again i swear to god i will end you!" damiano is screaming at the guy as ethan is holding him back by the arm

"Damiano give it up you fool"ethan shouted at him

thomas and ethan tried to pull him back

thomas looked at a group of guys stood around them and said "fucking help us then!"

in total it took 6 guys including ethan and thom to pull damiao off he guy who lay there with a broken nose and blood all over his face

damiano only had blood on his knuckles and a sweaty face.

i was pissed at damiano for getting into a fight when i was shouting at him not to

~end of flashback~

since we got home damiano has been on our balcony smoking,drinking and going on his phone

i knocked on the door of the balcony and after getting ignored i walked onto our balcony and sat in front of damiano

"im sorry for yelling at you, you were only trying to protect me"i said while looking at my hands

he took a long drag of his cigerette and continued ignoing me

"damia?"i asked but again no answer

"damiano grow up"i whined at him, his stubborn ass was not letting me win this time.

"you going back inside? i prefer the silence out here"he said coldly

i stood up and pushed my chair back angrily

"fuck you david, im the one trying to be mature for apologsing when im not the one who broke a guys fucking nose!"i say and before he can say anything i slam the door of our balcony and stomp off to our room. when i got to our bed i jump on it and scream into my pillow.

i lay there for hours on my phone, while damiano sat in the living room and watched tv. Later on that night he came to our room grabbed a pillow and blanket then went to the living room,i heard him sigh as he lay down on our sofa and not long after i heard his soft snores.

thinking about how petty ive been made me cry. i cant imagine how damiano would feel if that guy hurt me or touched me, it would of broken damiano to see me upset thats why i refused to show him how much this arguement upset me as its a common thing that when i cry damiano cries.

my head was spinning with guilt that damiano was out there, not in his own bed after 10 minutes of beating myself up i went to the living room and saw how his large frame was uncomfortably slouched on the sofa.

i lay with my head on his chest and that made him wake up

he looked down and his entire demeanor changed to a softer, sympatheitc one when he saw my tear stained cheeks.

"Aw angel im sorry for upsetting you" he said placing a kiss on my hair

"im sorry for yelling at you its just when you get so mad it scares me"i say looking up at him

"i just dont want another man to ever touch you or anything, if anyone hurt you id never forgive myself"he said

"lets go to bed well talk in the morning"i said as i stood up.

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