🖤"Im right here!"~Damiano David🖤

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This one is hella sad i was feeling emo i guess

"Ill be back in 10 minutes tops amore, i love you!" I said to my boyfriend damiano over the phone and as a response he made kissy-noises down the phone which made me laugh.

As i got into my car after loading the trunk with our groceries i rubbed my stomach which was stopping me from doing anything because it had mine and dami's baby inside
Im 38 weeks today and we couldnt be happier,weve never been more excited to hold our little boy and to raise him.

I was driving home while tapping my fingers on the wheel of the car when i heard a loud screetch of tires and then when i looked out the window i saw a large truck headed straight for me.

"Ma'am! Ma'am can you hear us?!" I heard a faint voice that i couldnt recognise
I looked up and saw that i was stuck upside down in my car.
I saw the woman that was shouting me
"Im pre-gnant" i struggled
"Oh my god" the woman said battling tears.

I started seeing black dots in my vision and as it all went dark i could hear the womans voice calling for me to stay with her but it was all too much for me to fight.

Damianos pov
I was writing lyrics in mine and y/ns room when my phone started to ring
"Hello?" I asked
"Hello is this Mr David?" A man asked on the other end
"It is, whats up"i asked confused
"Your girlfriends been in an accident" my stomach dropped to the ground at those six words.

"You need to get here now"he sounded urgent.

I ran to my car and drove as fast as i could
When i got to the hospital i saw one room specifically where people were flooding it and ran straight for it. Seeing my girlfriend covered in blood with her stomach having a peice of glass sticking out of it.

Third person pov
Damiano fell to his knees and let out the most broken,painful sob.
His baby and girlfriend could be ripped away from him, then he'd have nothing.

Less and less people were in y/ns room and thats when a nurse approached him.
"Mr David i need you to stay calm, your girlfriend has suffered tremendous brain damage and your son" the nurse took a breath that disguised a sob
"Your son was stabbed by the windshield and we dont know if he'll make it through the night" she avoided eye contact with the broken man who had everything he loved was destroyed.

"Can i see her?" He asked with eyes red with tears and pain.

"Yes, she may look a little different then you remember but shes still y/n and we've bandaged your baby up so you can hold him, i am so sorry"

He walked into her room and shut the door behind him.
After sitting with y/n for 2 hours holding her hand, praying that she wakes up and all is okay.

He walked over to his baby who they had left in a bed so he could at least hold his baby that may be taken far, far too soon.

He held the bandaged baby in his arms and began talking to him.

"Y'know we never even met you but you meant so much, so much to your mother and me. I just wish i was there for you when you both needed me, this could've been avoided" he said letting his tears fall

A long 'beep' sound errupted into the room and nurses came in and announced y/n dead and damiano couldnt breathe he held onto his son, who was fighting to stay with his father

Y/ns pov
I awoke to white everywhere and when i started to move around i was walking in a hospital corridor and followed the voice of my boyfriend, to see him sat in a room with a baby in his arms and wait is that me in the bed i looked at my hands and saw that i was a transparent like colour of my normal skin tone and i saw that i wasnt really standing on the floor more like floating.
Oh my god im dead.

As the nurses announced my time of death all i could do was think of damiano
I placed my hand on his shoulder as i stodd behind his shaking figure in the chair but my hand went straight through him.

" you cant touch anyone y/n, it just doesnt work" i turned to see my best friend who i had lost when i was in high school.

"Y/bsfs/n! " i shouted and ran to them
" in the flesh-- well not really" they joked
"I wanna go back y/bsfs/n i cant leave him" i said with tears down my face and they saw this and said

"Y/n we cant reverse death, no matter how sad or mad or broken it makes us" they said

Damiano started talking
"Y/n please come back to me, i need you, we need you" he said holding our baby.
"Im right here damiano,im right here!" I said kneeling in front of him but of course he couldnt see my as he was still alive.

"Im telling ya, he cant see or hear you. You drove me crazy when i died, always crying for me when i was literally right there with ya" y/bsfs/n slightly laughed with tears in their eyes as the leaned on the doorframe

"Hey i lost my bestfriend when i was 17, okay?" I said to them

"So what happens now? I cant just never see him again"i said
They shook their head slightly
"Theirs nothing else you can do"
" i cant live like this forever y/bsfs/n! Being in the same room as him but he doesnt know? No way that man right there is everything for me i love him so much and i- " my words were cut off by a recognisable long beep sound that played when i died, but this time it was coming from my sons monitor.

"No! Please no! God please dont take him from me!"damiano screamed as nurse and doctors ran in to try and save our babies life
Eventually, they pronounced our little baby dead
A few minutes later my baby appeared in my arms but just like me,he was more transparent then he was before another thing changed though, he isnt in any pain.

I stood with my hand on damianos should with our baby in my arms as i tried to comfort him even though i knew he cant hear me, see me or love me anymore.

Wow just wow i made myself cry wtff

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