🖤Ocd-Damiano David🖤

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Imagine-y/n has ocd and damiano does what he does best and comforts her

Warnings-ocd,mentions of bullying

I looked up at the clock and saw damiano would be home in an hour and sihed realising the boredom that was sure to set in

I decided to get a glass of juice since thats what normal people do i guess,i dont know i just want juice

I poured in into a glass and started thinking
about something else but as i was daydreaming i spilled the drink on my hand and immediately cringed at the thought,the feeling of it as i silently panicked i ran to the sink and started scrubbing away at them.

At a certain point it wasnt washing to get the juice away it was washing cause my brain was telling me to constantly that voice would say
'Wash them again theyre not clean'
'You better wash them again y/n'

68 was normally my safe number of things to do like if its a light switch i was flicking or times id tap my finger or something it was always 68.

I didnt realise but the harsh chemicals of the soap and the roughness at which i was scrubbing my hands had caused them to bleed and silent tears to run down my face.

I was still washing hands when two strong long arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me onto the counter.

I looked and saw damianos face it was so calm as hes known about my ocd for ages and knows how to handle it.

"Damia,i was just" i started,embarrased that he had seen me like this.

"Dont bother saying it was only twice you washed them i saw from the door at least 10" he said calm as he knew freaking out would make it worse

He grabbed a tissue and dabbed away the blood that formed from scrubbing.
After my hands were cleaned damiano picked me up and took me to my reading room as he knew i knew that room was safe, clean and comforting.

As we always do he sat on the bean bag and ushered me to sit on his lap and we cuddled under a huge blanket while he stroked my hair.

He looked at my hands again as i grabbed a book to begin to read as he got his phone out texted someone and put it away to read with me.

A few minutes later ethan popped his head through the slightly open door with a bottle of hand cream in his large hands.

"I heard you were having a bad day with the whole,you know so i thought this could help"he says referencing the bottle

"Can i sit?"He points to a spot next to the bean bag me and dami were on and i nodded immediately
He took my hands in his soft ones and rubbed the cream between his hands to warm it up and then began to rub it into mine

He had soon finished and i went back to reading,i ended up falling asleep on damianos chest feeling it rise and fall all i heard was damiano and ethan talking jn soft voices.
"Ok i should go"ethan said
"Yeah okay thank you so much ethan it kills me seeing her like that"damiano said back to him

I felt ethan comfortingly rub his hand on my shoulder as a goodbye,but i was too tired to do anything back.

Me and damiano stayed like that for most of the night just enjoying each others company

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