Ch. 4: A Call For a Bonus

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I don't think my parents know about Jisung yet.

I mean, how could they? I've never told them about him.

Even though we have occassional talks about school and my part-time job over dinner (the others being about their jobs, too), I don't think they're aware yet of how significant my "co-worker" had actually been in my life...

Heck, they don't even know the real reason why I just suddenly decided to get a part-time job out of nowhere!

Or maybe they just think I'm saving up for my birthday...

Anyway, it's been three weeks since I got my job at Kim's Chicken, what I would consider to be the peak of autumn is just two weeks away, and my budget? Not really enough yet to buy plane tickets for Jisung.

Ugh! It would take a miracle for me to earn enough money for his gift in just two weeks! And that's only for his plane ticket. What about his lodgings?

Ugh, I need more money...

Following my financial crisis (if you would call it that), I was even starting to think of getting a more high-paying job instead. But it's not gonna be easy switching jobs now and trying to get my salary before my set deadline.

If only there was a way...

Of course, still, I haven't even told Jisung yet that the reason why I'm working here is so I could get him his gift, so...

No, I don't think I'll ever have to tell him.

It's yet another afternoon at work, and I  had just finished cleaning a table when I suddenly notice something suspicious about this one guy passing by this group of girls' table. And, no, it isn't just how he wears his hood over his head while he's inside a building. He's keeping his head down and he has one hand in his pockets and the other, the one closer to the girls, out and hanging.

I discreetly observe him while I stand in my place, pretending that I'm still cleaning.

Until he suddenly snatches a bag from one of the girls, taking it with him as he runs.

The girls exclaim, and that immediately calls my attention. Still, since I had been watching the sketchy guy (thank goodness!), I was able to stop him just as he was about to pass me.

I quickly stand infront of him, cleaning tray infront, and he bumps into me and falls back, dropping the bag beside him and hitting the ground infront of me.

A lot more people are watching now. Probably everyone inside the restaurant.

Then the man produces something shiny.

"Watch out!"

I yelp and my eyes widen when I'm suddenly pulled away from the thief just as he comes at me with a knife. The man crashes into a set of tables, and I look up at my savior to see Jisung, looking at me with concern.

"Are you okay?" he asks, and I look at him with wide eyes for a second before I nod and turn back to the thief.

He's closer to the door now, and he seems to notice that just as I do, too. Quickly, he bounds for the exit, but I run after him, Jisung calling out my name behind me.


I ignore him, though, I know it's only for my safety knowing I'm running after a full-grown man with a knife.

But, I eventually reach the man, and as I grab him by the back of his collar, he turns and swings his knife at me. My eyes widen, and I duck to dodge him, and just as that happens, Jisung appears behind me again and punches the man in the face, sending him dropping to the ground.

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