Ch. 23: A Day Where I Take Care of You

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"Mm..." I groan as I wake up from my sleep. It seems I had actually dozed off while thinking of what to do while I waited in the living room of Jisung's apartment, and whatever happened during that, I honestly have no idea.

I would like to know, though. I would like to know just how, while I was asleep, Jisung somehow just sat beside me and fell asleep with his arms around my waist and his head tucked into the crook of my neck.

No, seriously, I would like to know.

I almost jerk as soon as I realize my position. But not long after that happened, I suddenly feel a hot sensation in my neck. And it wasn't from me blushing.

Somehow, my hand made its way up to Jisung's forehead, and as soon as I was able to confirm my suspicions, my brows furrowed.

He has a fever. He caught a cold.

"But if he was sick, why would he be coming to me instead of going to bed? Why would–"

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear Jisung groaning, and when I turn to him to see him half-awake, that's when I decide to alert him of his condition.

"Jisung, you're burning. Let's get you to bed so you can rest properly, yeah?" I tell him as I try to get out of his grip.

But he doesn't budge, and he makes it clear that he's being stubborn as he whines while keeping me close. "I'm tired... Let's just stay this way for a while."

I frown at his actions. Seriously, he really should be cooperative if he wants to get any better. "You're tired because you're sick. I'll let you hug me later, okay, so let's just get you to bed, and–"

"But I thought you said to stay with each other..." he whines, and I stop.

My frown just deepens even more. But nonetheless, I just turn to him eventually, and I see him pouting as he refuses to let me go. I end up sighing at the sight. "Oh, Jisung... Fine. I promise, I'll stay with you, but really, you need to get yourself tended to, first. You have a fever, and we need to cool you down for that first of all."

Slowly, I try to remove his arms around me again, and this time, he eventually lets me go. A small smile forms on my face as he does that, and before I go to prepare the necessities for his fever, I turn back to him and stroke his hair, letting him know that I'm still here.

"I'll be back, okay?" I tell him gently, and he hums in response, eventually just lying down on the couch as I walk away.

Little did I expect this day to turn up like this. I ended up staying at Jisung's for longer so I could take care of him. And before I even realized it, it was already night.

My phone buzzed as I waited for Mom to pick up. I had to tell her I'd be staying here, at least. She could be panicking right now because I didn't call her. At least, I got the chance to call her now that Jisung's fever had gone down a bit.

She seemed hesitant, of course. I mean, her daughter is literally asking her if she could stay the night at her boyfriend's apartment. But... she seemed to trust me enough. She eventually let me stay here, but not before giving me a warning:

[Don't stay up too late, okay. And no funny business! I don't know what I would do if–]

"Mom! Please, don't even make me think of that! And don't you trust Jisung?"

[Of course, I do, honey. I'm just making sure.]

"Yeah, yeah... I got you, mom. Don't worry."

We eventually say our goodbyes, and I hang up. And my eyes soon travel towards Jisung sleeping on the couch behind me while I sat on the floor.

He looks peaceful as usual. Surprisingly the opposite of when he's awake and always radiating with his undying joy. I couldn't help but chuckle as that thought occured to me.

Yeah. I'm glad he's like that. I probably wouldn't even know what to do if I ever saw him not smiling. I was hoping I could be the one to make him smile, though. I was kinda hoping...

"Do I make you smile?" I ask subconsciously, mumbling the question under my breath. At the same time, my hand makes its way to his face, brushing at his bangs poking at his eyes.

Suddenly, Jisung grabs my hand out of nowhere, and my eyes widen when I realize he's awake. He smiles and chuckles as he opens his eyes and looks at me, soon intertwining our fingers. "Of course, you do, Y/N... You're the one who makes me smile the most."

Even though he said that so sluggishly, especially with how he had just been sleeping seconds ago, it made my heart warm, and I smile at him in response. "You can be such a tease sometimes, you know."

"But I mean it."

I breathe out a laugh at his response. Then, "How are you feeling?" I ask him, my free hand reaching out to feel his forehead.

"I'm better."

"Mm... That's good." I pull my hand away from his forehead, no longer feeling a fever from him. "You got better really quickly. I'm glad."

"So did you lie to your parents about where you are again just so you could stay here?"

"Hey," I playfully respond to Jisung, to which he laughs softly in response.

"This kinda reminds me of when we were in Jeju. We were this close back then, too."

"Yeah, but at least, neither one of us was sick back then."

"But at least, we're a couple now. Isn't it better if we look at it that way?" I look at Jisung after he had said that, and he smiles, like he knows what he just said. I only end up laughing quietly.

"You sure do know how to make everything better."

"Could you say it's one of my charms?"

"One of your many, probably."

"Aww... That's sweet. You just said I have a lot of charms."

"Well, don't rub it in my face, then."

Jisung laughs, then he lifts his free hand to ruffle my hair. "Yeah, yeah..." And as he does so, I just let him, my head soon leaning on the sofa he lies on while I stare at him in admiration.

We ended up sleeping in that position for the rest of the night.

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