Chapter 13.

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We're still in New York and we have been for almost a week. This is gonna be the last long time we'll be staying in the one place for a while now. From tomorrow on, we won't be spending longer than 2 days in the one city.

I was pretty excited, I haven't seen a lot of America, so I'm excited to eventually get to say I've travelled around the whole country. My wrist has pretty much healed, so I'm gonna start proper work next week, setting up Ashton's drum kit and the rest of the stage, and also helping backstage with hair and wardrobe, if it's needed.

Pretty good job if you ask me. I get to see two of my favourite bands perform every night, and the money is pretty good too, not that it really matters considering almost everything is already paid for.

Michael is getting on really well with the girl he met the last week, Trish and they go out on little dates almost everyday. It's adorable. He introduced us to her the other day and she genuinely seems like a really nice person.

I talked to her for a while and we really hit it off, I think we could become good friends. Michael told me he's thinking of asking her on a proper date tonight, and he's gonna ask her to be his girlfriend and ask her to come on tour with us as well.

She apparently doesn't really like her job at the record store, although she loves music, the pay is shit. One of the lighting guys got fired for falling asleep during One Direction's set, so Michael thinks Trish would love the job, as she's really good with computers. I hope she says yes, as much as I love being with nine boys constantly, I wouldn't mind someone who I could talk about girl stuff with and go shopping with, Ashton gets way too bored when I bring him shopping, it's kinda funny though.

I woke up because Ashton was leaving to go meet the boys, as they had an interview somewhere, so I decided I'd go to the arena and hang out with Niall and the other lads for a while.

It's weird to think that a few months I was a huge fan of One Direction, thinking I'd never meet them and here I am running around the stadium with them, riding in the golf carts. I would hate to be the security guards for these boys, it was like trying to manage five four year olds.

"Okay we're going to have a game of tag, main aim of the game is don't get caught and avoid the crew and security guards." Harry said to the five of us.

"Louis is on. Everyone run." Zayn screamed and all five of us took off in opposite directions. I ran for a while, until turning a corner and instantly crashing straight into Liam, both of us falling straight to the floor, getting us caught by the security guards, who were running around trying to calm us for ages. The security guards made us go into the dressing room, so Liam could start getting ready for a photoshoot they had later.

"Nice one Em, now I have to go get ready." Liam said jokingly, nudging my elbow.

"Hey, you crashed into me! C'mon we don't want to get in more trouble, I'll join you guys while you get ready. Ive nothing else to do." I said pushing him before running off into their dressing room, where I found Lou Teasdale.

"Hey Lou." I said cheerily. "Hi Emma darling, what have you been doing for the day.

"Where's Ash?" She asked. "Oh I just joked around with the 1d lads, Ash and the others had an interview today, they'll be back in a minute for sound check." I said and just in that moment I felt two huge hands wrap around my eyes.

"Guess who?" They said, in a strong Aussie accent. "If it's not Ash then I'm worried." I said knowing clearly it was Ashton and turning around and kissing him on the lips.

Ash and I walked around the stadium, hand in hand for a while until he jumped excitedly. "Ooh I forgot to tell you! The boys and I were supposed to be going to see Imagine Dragons tonight, after we perform, but Luke and Cal are too tired and Michael wants to go with Trish, because she loves them, so I said you and I would go too, like a double date." He said with a smile, plastered on his face.

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