Chapter 23.

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"Wake up Emma." My mom knocked on my door. I hesitantly got up, it was just past noon, shit I slept in, but my head is a bit all over the place from jetlag anyway. I went downstairs in my pyjamas to find my parents and my sister sitting at the table. "Get ready fast, I'm going into town and you're going to go to the doctor." My sister, Sarah said. "Oh okay, I'll be ready in like 10 minutes." I said, before grabbing a quick slice of toast and heading up the stairs. I just put on leggings and a big jumper, with my converse and tied my hair up into a ponytail, before grabbing my handbag and heading out the door, to Sarah's car.

We pulled up to the doctor's office within a few minutes. "I'll be back in over and hour, I have to do some shopping, see you in a while." Sarah smiled as I got out of the car. "Okay see you in a while." I smiled back. I forgot how much I missed my sister, I mean we've always been close, but since my teens, we've gotten even closer. She understands me so much, probably because she's already been through everything before.

I made my way into the doctor's and took a seat in the waiting room. I sat there for a while, aimlessly flicking through magazines until I heard my name being called. I walked into the room and took a seat. "So Emma, what's wrong?" She asked, smiling. "I've been getting sick a lot these past few days, I'm not too sure if it's from all the travelling I've been doing or is it something more serious and I feel nauseous when it comes to certain foods." I explained.

"Okay so, nausea and morning sickness?" She said looking up from her glasses. "Wait, morning sickness. I didn't think of it like that, isn't that a sign of pregn-? No, no it couldn't be." I said, in denial. "Congratulations Emma, I will take a quick scan but I'm almost positive you're pregnant." She smiled. Oh shit. I then sat on one of the higher chairs, as she took a scan. "Okay so, it looks like you're about two weeks pregnant. When was the last time you had sex?" She asked. "About two weeks ago." I replied, quietly. "That's it so. I'll make an appointment for you to get a proper scan to make sure everything is in order. Are you in a relationship at the moment?" She asked, smiling. "Eh yeah my boyfriend he's in Australia, well uh, we're on a break at the moment." I replied. "Well I hope you two work things out, because in nine months time, you're going to be parents." She said, smiling. Parents? How am I supposed to tell Ashton that he's going to be a father? How am I going to tell everyone that I'm going to be a mother? I'm in deep shit.

I walked out of the doctor's to find Sarah sitting in the car. "You okay love? How did it go?" She asked. "Sar, I'm pr-" I started to say, before bursting into tears. Sure, I've always wanted a family, but not now, not when I'm 19 and when my boyfriend is on tour, especially when we're on a ducking break at the moment. "It's okay, I know what you're going to say, I guessed it last night, but I wasn't sure." She said, hugging me. "Wait, how did you know?" I said, through muffled tears. " I got turned off peanut butter when I was pregnant and you do have a boyfriend so well-" she said, before I interrupted her. "Ew Sars, don't go there." I said, laughing. "Now cheer up, we're gonna get some ice cream and then we can talk about it at home, yeah?" She said. "Yeah." I said, sniffling as I looked out the window.

"Okay, here's your ice cream and a spoon, now let everything out." My sister said, sitting me down. "I'm just scared, you know? What if he reacts badly? What if he doesn't want to get back together? What if I have to raise this baby by myself? I don't have the money to do that." I said, sobbing. "Em, it's okay. Don't cry. This Ashton guy is a good guy, from what I've heard. Sure, you're not on the best terms at the moment, but he's not going to bail on you now, trust me. And if he does, the fucker is not going to get away with it lightly. Shane and Niall will not hesitate to kick his ass." She said and we both laughed.

"And even if, worse comes to worse he runs, we'll all be there for you, as would your friends. No matter what, you're not doing this alone. Okay?" She said, smiling. "Thanks Sars, you really are the best." I said, hugging her. " And don't worry, I already broke the news to the rest of the family, I figured you'd be kinda terrified." She said, and I laughed because it was true. I thought about everything she said. Maybe she's right, I mean, maybe I could do this.

After eating a whole lot of ice cream and almost throwing up at the sight of my brother, casually munching on a peanut butter sandwich, I decided to meet up with Trish and Áine. Trish flew in this morning, from seeing her parents in Scotland to coming back to Ireland, to see her grandparents, who lived not too far from my house. I decided to text them to meet up over dinner, so I could tell them my news. They're my best friends, and plus, they know Ashton, they can warn me a bit more if they'll think he'll freak out.

After, changing into a cute, but casual skater dress and my doc maartens, with a leather jacket, I grabbed my bag, keys and my sunglasses and headed out to my car. After driving for a few minutes and parking my car, I walked into the restaurant, to find the girls sitting in a booth at the back. "Emmmaaaaa!!" Trish said, getting up out of her seat and running over to me, hugging me. "I haven't seen you in like 3 weeks. I missed you." She said, excitedly. "I missed you too babe." I said, hugging her back. "I missed you too Áine even though I spent 22 hours on a plane with you yesterday." I said, giving her a quick hug and the three of us laughed and sat down.

After talking for a while and me avoiding every question about what I needed to tell them, it eventually came up. "So, what is it you wanted to tell us?" Trish asked. "Ehh." I said, looking at my plate. "Emma, c'mon you've been avoiding the question all night. I bet it's something stupid, knowing you." She said, laughing. "I thought you were gonna tell us that you're pregnant or something." Áine said, and they both started laughing. "Surprise." I said, looking up at them, both with gobsmacked faces.

"Wait? I was joking. You're pregnant?" Áine asked, in disbelief. "Yeah, now shh, don't say it too loud, there could be reporters or paparazzi anywhere and I really don't want anyone to know, not until Ashton knows, which won't be for a few weeks. Now, don't tell anyone, that goes for boyfriends as well." I said. "Yeah we won't say anything." They both said. "Em, this is amazing news." Trish said. "You think so? I'm terrified. What will Ash think?." I asked, biting my nail. "Yeah, you're a bit young, obviously, but you guys love each other so much. It's pretty inevitable that you two were gonna end up having a family together anyway, so why not sooner than later?" Trish said. I never thought of it like that.

"Plus Ash is so good with kids, Niall was telling me that he was, basically, the father figure for his siblings and now, he'll be a real father, and a good one at that." Áine said, and I found myself smiling. It's true, Ashton would be an amazing dad. "Don't worry about it Em, you know both of us will be here for you anyway, as will all the lads. But c'mon this child is going to have the coolest parents ever, you two are like the couple of the year." Trish said. "Thanks guys, I feel so much better, wanna come back to mine and have a movie night?" I asked. "Definitely" they said, in unison.

We watched a couple of movies, and just chatted for a while, until about 2 am when the girls finally left. I went to bed straight away, as I was so tired. What an eventful day, I thought. I placed a hand on my stomach, it's hard to believe that I'm having a baby, and even though I was still petrified about eventually telling Ashton, I tried to shake it off as best as I could. All my life I thought about having a baby, although I always imagined being married at this stage, something felt so right about it.

Sup guys!
Drammaaaa!! Updates could be a bit all over the place because I have exams from Wednesday till the 17th, but after that I'm free, so I'll update way more! Woooo!
5sos were a few hours away from me the other day, but I couldn't go bc exams😭😭😭😭😭 next time I'll definitely be there
Plz plz plzzzzz
Love you all lots like jelly tots💞
- emma xo

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