Chapter 31

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July 10th 2016
It had been a year, a whole year since everything. A year since Ashton's 21st birthday, a year since I was attacked, a year since we lost the twins.

It had been hard, I'm not gonna lie. I spent months and months in my own little shell, secluded, not letting anybody in, even Ashton. I'm not sure, it was my way of coping, I found it easier to be alone.

That is until the court case. After a few months the police finally managed to catch Charlie and the little gang she had found herself in and a court case was built against them.

That was when I realised it was wrong of me to shut everyone out, Ashton was my rock, I needed him, just like he needed me. We were a pair, we worked better together.

During the case I realised how lucky I was to have such amazing friends and family around me. My family even flew out all the way from Ireland, thanks to Ashton.

Of course, we won the case. Apparently they had attacked a few more people along the way, but not as badly. Charlie was sentenced to twenty years in prison, for assault, attempted murder and the use of drugs. It was after Charlie and her poodles were finally locked away, I was finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I could finally put this all behind me and move on with my life.

After delaying their 'Rock Out With Your Socks Out' Tour for a few months, we all decided to go back on the road. We travelled around the world, starting in Europe, headed to the UK and then Ireland, where we had a few days off so I was able to bring Ashton down to where I used to live and so he could properly meet everyone, instead of through FaceTime or during a high profile court case.

We then went back to Australia and New Zealand, where the boys got some quality time with their families, me included. It was amazing to stand in the crowd with their families as they sold out arenas in their hometown. I was so proud of those four losers who I called my best friends.

We then went back to North America and drove by bus from state to state. When we got to Chicago, we had a slight crisis. The opening band, Hey Violet pulled out of the tour, because Nia broke her hand and couldn't play just a few hours before the show.

Everyone was freaking out about the fact that there was no supporting act, until Ashton had the idea of sending me out on stage. I had come here to try and start some sort of music career and I had been writing a lot of songs lately, so I suppose it was fitting.

After the first crowd reacted really well to me, I soon became the permanent opening act for 5 seconds of summer, which was pretty crazy, but I loved it. I wrote loads of songs whilst on tour and I built up a pretty big fan base really soon, since pretty much every 5sos fan, and anyone who watched the news or read a paper knew who I was beforehand. Before I knew it, I had a growing fan base all over the world and I was being offered my very own record deal with SYCO.

We were now back in LA, seeing I had some final paperwork to go through with the record company and 5sos were beginning their stadium tour, me being the opening act once more.

It was pretty surreal. The boys were about to headline the Rose Bowl stadium in LA, and I was going to open for them. Just over 3 years ago, I came to this exact stadium to see them open for One Direction. I couldn't believe how much, 3 years down the line everything has changed.

Back then, seeing them, Ashton was just the cute drummer who I had met in the elevator. Now, he's the most important person in my life, we've been through so much together. Who knew I was going to fall madly in love with that boy with the curly hair who couldn't stop giggling in the elevator?

"Hey babe, you ready to check into the hotel?" Ashton asked, snapping me out of my thoughts as I stood on stage of the stadium, just finishing my sound check.

"Yeah sure, sorry, I just couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I saw you play here 3 years ago, look at us now." I laughed, taking his hand which he held out for me as we got into the car to head to the hotel.

I took out my phone and started following a few people on Twitter in the car. I was interrupted when Ashton cleared his throat, signalling for me to look up. My eyes widened. "This isn't." I said, shocked.

"Yep the hotel where we first met." He giggled, which I felt kinda weird. He doesn't giggle as much anymore, only if he's particularly nervous about something. It was probably the fact that tonight would be his first time headlining a stadium, I'd be pretty nervous too.

We walked in and went up to reception to check in, the rest of the boys were already in their rooms, but Ash decided to hang around and wait till my soundcheck was finished.

We got our room number and made our way into the elevator, just the two of us. I could help but laugh, thinking of the time we first met. My thoughts were interrupted when the elevator stopped.

"Oh my God. What are the chances of this happening again?" I laughed.

"I may have something to do with this." He smiled at me, but I remained confused.

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"Okay so, three years ago. I got stuck in the elevator with the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my entire life. And I kept thinking to myself that I needed to get to know her. But of course, I was way too nervous to ask her for her name or her number, because let's be honest, she was way out of my league. So, I let her get away forever, or so I thought anyway. So now, I stand in this elevator again, with that same girl, but now she seems a million times more beautiful to me, which I didnt even think was possible. And this time, I'm not letting her get away." He said, looking at me in the eyes.

"I don't get where you're going with this Ash." I questioned.

"Em, we've been through more in these 3 years than most couples do in fifty years. I am so in love with you Em, I can't imagine my life with anyone other than you." He said and I gasped and placed a hand over my mouth, my eyes welling up with tears of pure happiness as he got down on one knee.

"So I'm gonna cut to the chase. Emma Cooke, will you marry me?" He asked, a look of pure love in his eyes.

"Of course I will." I pretty much screamed through sobs, as Ashton stood up, wrapping his arms around my waist, as mine went around his neck and he kissed me passionately on the lips, both of us smiling through it, as the door of the elevator opened revealing the rest of the Tour family and the three boys and all of our close friends, including Trish, Áine and the 1d boys and of course, to top everything off I was able to see both mine and Ashton's families.

Luke, Michael and Calum instantly ran over and jumped on both of us. "About time he popped the question." The three said in unison. And I simply laughed and looked around at everyone, all my friends and family. And lastly, I looked up at my fiancé and it settled in just how lucky I really was.

The End.
A/n (not edited)
So that's it, I kinda cried BC this was so cute.
There will be an epilogue so it's not completely over yet.
Stay tuned x
- Emma xo
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