Chapter 21.

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I woke up with no sign of Ashton next to me, which isn't extremely strange for me. When we're on tour he's always up and gone before, whether it's for rehearsals or to go to the gym or something. I went to the bathroom and had a quick shower before drying my hair and quickly putting on my red skater skirt, a grey crop top and my black and white converse, with my hair in its usual messy bun. I went downstairs to find Anne in the kitchen reading the newspaper. "Good morning." She smiled. "Good morning." I replied. "Where's Ash?" I asked. "Oh he's gone out with Sam for a while, I'm not too sure what they're gone doing, probably reliving some old memories or something. They left about an hour ago." She answered. Oh.

And that's when it all came back to me, everything that Sam had said to me last night. What was I supposed to do? "Listen Emma, I know Sam doesn't come across as the nicest person at first, but once you have a proper conversation with her I know you'll love her. Sam and Ash were inseparable as kids, I'm glad they're getting close again." She smiled. "Yeah me too." I replied, which was true, I was glad Ashton was hanging out with old friends. I just don't want them to get too close, if you catch my drift.

"Anyway, I'm taking the kids to the bowling ally for a while, you're more than welcome to join us." She asked. "Thank you so much, I really would love to but I think Ash is taking me out today and he'll most likely be back soon." I replied. "No problem honey, Calum had to drop something by a while ago and told me to tell you to give him a call, since Ash is out." She said. "Oh okay, thank you. I'll call him in a second." I replied. "Okay, well I'm just going to round up the kids and then we'll be gone, I'll see you later. Enjoy your day." She said, coming over and giving me a quick hug. She really was so sweet.

I gave Cal a call and he said that he'd come pick me up and we could go over to his house for a while and chill as I wait for Ash to come pick me up. I heard a knock on the door to find a grinning Calum standing there. "I feel like I haven't seen you in ages." He gasped, embracing me in a hug. "I saw you yesterday Cal." I laughed. "I know but I missed you. Normally I see you every day." He pouted. "Well I'm all yours, that is until Ashton comes back." I laughed. "Okay, well let's get going. I need to pick a few groceries up and you get to accompany me." He grinned. "Oh great." I said, sarcastically. "I know, just one of the many perks of having Calum Hood as one of your best friends." He smiled, proudly. "Oh shutup Hood, and drive the car." I said, punching him in the arm.

In the car I told him all about Sam, I know I shouldn't have but it needed to get off my chest, and Cal, as well as being one of my best friends, also, is Ashton's best friend and also happened to know Sam. So, he was a good option. "Oh shit. I remember her being a bit obsessed with him a few years back, but like, that's a bit insane, especially since he's obviously really happy with you. Man, that's fucked up. What are you gonna do?" He said. "I don't know, what should I do? Like he's with her now, gone somewhere, they're obviously great friends and I don't want him to think I'm trying to ruin that because I'm jealous." I sighed. "You should tell him." He said, "I know, but I'm scared." I replied.

We were currently sitting in some diner that according to Calum has 'the best pancakes in the world', waiting for our pancakes. It had been about 2 hours and still no sign of Ashton. I called him about fifty times and sent him a billion messages and nothing. I was beginning to get seriously pissed off. He had promised me a day with just us, but no, he's off with one of his 'friends', who happens to be the same friend that is secretly still in love with him and threatens his girlfriend. Delightful.

"So, are you gonna tell me what's wrong, or are we going to sit here awkwardly and pretend like you're perfectly content, which we all know is bullshit." Calum said, looking up at me. "There's nothing wrong Cal, I'm fine." I retorted. "Shutup Emma, I've spent everyday of the past three months with you, I can read you like a book, it's so obvious when you're pissed off. And I'm 99% sure it has something to do with Ashton." He said, damn he was good. "He was supposed to show me around Sydney today, and take me out for dinner, but he isn't replying to me." I sighed. "I know what you're thinking, you're thinking he's after falling in love with Sam, aren't you?" He questioned.

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