Chapter 25.

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Emma's POV.
"30 minutes until landing, please fasten your seat belts, thank you." The air hostess said into the microphone. My nerves were killing me, I mean not only do I have to see my boyfriend, who isn't actually my boyfriend right at this very moment and sort out all of that shit, but I also have to tell him I'm pregnant with his baby. Great, just great.

"It's gonna be fine Emma." Trish said, sympathetically. "Yeah, you know we are here for you no matter what Ash says." Áine said. "Thanks guys, I think I may have had some sort of mental breakdown, if it wasn't for you two." I said. It's been just over two weeks since I found out and I spent the last two weeks just doing nothing, getting sick in the mornings, eating ice cream in the afternoons and listening to Áine and Trish convince me that something was going to work out. They better have been right.

It wasn't long before we landed and we headed out of the plane and into the airport, to get our bags. I'm not even sure who was going to be meeting us there. Probably Michael and Niall and maybe someone else, so that I'm not a fifth wheel, very unlikely Ash, which is okay for me for the time being. After waiting for our bags to come for a while, we finally got them and headed out the gate. Trish and Áine walked out ahead of me and were instantly engulfed in hugs by their boyfriends. I couldn't help but smile, it was adorable, even if I was a little jealous.

Before I could process it, I saw someone running towards me and picking me up, into a hug. I looked up only to find the squishy face of my best friend that is Calum Hood. "Caaaaaal!" I said excitedly, wrapping my arms around him. "I missed you so much Em!" He smiled. "Aw, I missed you too Cal. You can put me down now." I laughed. "Oh shit sorry." He said, letting go of me. "Thanks for coming Cal, it means so much to me." I said, picking up my bags, as we walked to the cars outside.

"Oh shutup Emma, you are my best friend, aside from the guys obviously and I just couldn't just let you stand there while the other two were reunited with their boyfriends. Speaking of which, Ashton has been an absolute mess, you two really need to talk." He said. "Oh trust me, I know." I said, rolling my eyes. "Anyway, Luke told me to tell you that he wanted to come too, but there wasn't enough room. He missed you too, just not as much as I did, because we all know that you love me the most." He winked, before bursting out into a fit of laughter, as I punched him in the arm. Aw I missed this. Whatever about Ash, Calum was one of my best friends and I really did miss him like crazy.

"Okay so we are going to give your bags to the driver, then me and you are going for some well over due ice cream, so you an catch me up on everything. Yeah?" he asked, taking my bag and handing it to the driver. "Sounds perfect." I said, saying goodbye to everyone else and that I'd see them later on. After getting the train into London city, we found a cute little ice cream parlour. I ordered some cookies and cream ice cream, obviously having to stay away from my favourite, which is peanut butter, because I still can't eat it. I probably won't be able to eat it for nine months, which sucks so much.

"So, what have you been doing?" Calum asked as we took a seat. "Nothing really, just catching up with family." I replied. "Did you ever find out why you were so sick?" He asked. Oh shit, here it comes. "Ehh, about that. I uh, I am, no I was just sick." I stuttered, deciding that maybe it isn't the best idea to tell Calum before I tell Ashton. Calum is one of my best friends, but he's also one of Ashton's best friends, and that wouldn't be fair to tell him before telling Ash.

We talked for a while, and he told me all about the tour and the funny things that happened while I was gone, until we eventually decided to get the train to the hotel that we're staying at. I went to dinner, with the 1d boys, minus Niall, who was with Áine, obviously, which was nice to catch up because I hadn't seen them in a while and they were on a break at the moment, so I thought it was a good idea to catch them all before they leave to go home, or wherever. I stayed until quite late with the boys, until I met up with Luke and Calum and the three of us went to a movie. They both wanted to do something fun with me, and I said no to clubbing because I'm still "sick", so we decided on a movie, instead. They may have caught on, because everyone knows that I never say no to a drink, even if I am sick, must be the Irish in me.

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