Romanticizing Rome

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"You know Marinette, it would be most beneficial to us both if we could arrive at the airport on time and avoid rushing through the corridors trying to find our gate number." Adrien said from behind the bathroom door.

I rolled my eyes, "I mean, perhaps if you would have mentioned that we had a flight earlier and that I could not just wear sweatpants and a sweater then most likely I would have been out sooner but no, you had not. So here we are!" I raised my tone.

"I've only just learned of this yesterday just as you had." Adrien muffled.

"Who even wears uncomfortable dresses to a darn 2 hour long flight to another country?" I groaned. It was safe to say that we were running late and that we were both well irritated.

Adrien here, at the last minute informed me that royals could not show up to an airport in sweats and a ponytail, that in fact were a strict rule. It seemed to me as if being a Royal made your life just a bit more uncomfortable than it usually is. Just a bit more..

I sat in a rusted chair that squeaked and made my back ache as my head lied side ways on a cushioned table board, one of the many maids, Claire, I had cared enough to ask for her name, flat ironed my hair. I loath even the idea of flat ironing my hair, I truly did. I did not understand why us women had to go through the trouble of snapping our necks just to have feather-like hair. I for one adored my wavy unbothered look, that, required me not lifting a finger.

Once Claire had finished, I provided her a quick thank you and snatched up the remaining hair products I had sat out and made my way out of the restroom and into my room. I threw the necessary products in my carry-on bag respectively before zipping it shut.

I latched the two carry-on bags onto my shoulders, which immediately added weight to my feet and swung around. I let out a heart jumping yelp when I found myself only inches away from Adrien. Why had he always snuck up on me like that? Hadn't he known that it wasn't polite to not make yourself known while entering a room? Surely he had to know, he was the prince after all.

Before I could give him a scolding both his hands reached toward me and he circled his fingers under the straps of the two carry-on bags, his fingers brushing against my collarbone before he pulled the two weights off my shoulders. I let out a sigh, a relived one. In truth I was moderately grateful for the help he provided me.

"Don't strain yourself too much." I looked up at him as he wore a warm smile on his lips, and for the first time, I'd noticed the deep dimple that formed in his cheek. I had to look away.

I cleared my throat that seemed to form a thick lump before speaking. "Thanks." I walked toward the door and grabbed my suitcase. Adrien made his way out of the room followed by me. We walked out of the estate together, helpers stopping to help and carry our luggage and load them into the vehicle out front.

Adrien and I slid into the backseat of the automobile, the chauffeur started the vehicle, letting the engine roar before pulling out of the lot.

I let out a breath as I could finally relax, we pulled into the main rocky road and I looked out of the window on the side I sat and saw two black cars trailing behind us. I furrow my brows and turned toward Adrien.

"I think we're being followed." I mutter out anxiously.

Adrien gives me a confused look before turning his face toward the window on his side before he turned back to me with a deadpan. "Those are the security." He spoke.

I formed an o with my lips before nodding and relaxing back into my seat. I guess it made sense to have additional protection while flying to another country where anything could happen at any moment.

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