Chapter 16: Addition

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Hey, we need to talk.

The message from Thomas arrived on Jake's phone during his second-hour class. Mason wasn't at school due to a family trip, so Jake replied: I have to be home after school. Give me a ride home, and we can talk.

Thomas: When are you free? Come over to my place.

Jake: I'll be free by eight tonight. Is that cool with you?

Thomas: Yeah.

Even with Jake asking for further information, Thomas never replied. Jake even noticed Thomas missing from school today, or else he would have confronted him. But the day went by as it usually does now. Some students who know Mason well acknowledge Jake, even with a simple nod.

At home, he does his chores around the exterior of the house. As he finishes with the push-lawnmower, Jake's mother steps outside in the front yard and waves Jake to get close to her. In a rare appearance, Jake feels the sadness of not having an actual mother figure in his life.

"Yes, mom?" Despite everything, Jake still calls her mom.

"On your eighteenth birthday, I need you to vacate the basement." Her voice is ice-cold and poisonous. One can hear the disdain for her son. "I don't care where you go, but not in my house. Not in my home will you act out these sinful acts. I saw that one guy left here a couple of days ago, and I hear you go around town sleeping with whoever, so I need you gone as soon as possible. I'll call the police for trespassing if you bring any guy over. You hear me, boy?"

Jake keeps a blank stare and nods. "Yes, ma'am."

Jake's mom turns around and steps back inside the house. Jake is processing her words and acknowledging the request he must obey. But what stood out to Jake was the people talking in town that made rumors about Jake sleeping around. He wonders who could be making up such lies.

After all his chores are done, showered, and dressed in a plain black shirt and blue jeans, he heads out to Thomas' place. The walk there allowed Jake to consider many scenarios where he could live once he turned eighteen. Living with Mason is considered, but only if he is up to it. Jake doesn't want to be a burden to Mason and his plans.

Halfway to Thomas' house, he sees Beau walking in his direction. "Hey, Beau," Jake says.

Beau looks up from his phone. "Oh hey, Jake. What are you doing out so late?"

"Heading to Thomas's place. Yourself?"

Beau doesn't answer his question. Instead, "Why are you going to his house?"

"We got to work on a school project for the athletic office."

"Oh?" Beau gives a questioning look. "What is it about?"

Jake has to be smart about this. He doesn't want to jeopardize Thomas's secret. "I'm not sure. He asked me to come over, so I'll find out when I get there."

"Gotcha." The way Beau said it, Jake knew he'd have to tell Thomas about the white lie Jake told Beau. "Well, good luck with it. Tell Thomas I said hello."

"Will do. See, yeah." Jake and Beau leave to continue their missions.

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