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you give, but you cannot take love.

you give, but you cannot take love

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the two had been watching a movie. minho was now asleep, even after promising that he would stay awake until hyunjin had his eyes closed.

the younger was silent majority of the time he was at minho's apartment and now that the elder was sleeping, it was only him and his thoughts.

he couldn't help but be scared. jisung was back and chan had tried to rape him. what would happen if the word got out? would people hate him? would they say that he asked for it?

having this time alone, he connected the dots. jisung had told chan to do that, so he could play hero. oh, hyunjin, i would never hurt you like he did. just come back to me, okay? the blond didn't fall for it. he'd do anything before he went back to jisung— the man who ruined his life.

it was too much. the younger silently sobbed, making sure to not wake up the other. where was his mom when he needed her?

hyunjin thought about everything that happened and he couldn't help but feel disgusted with himself. his skin began to itch as he remembered how chan was touching him. you're disgusting. the image of the male kissing over his body was burnt into his head. hyunjin began itching his arms until they became red. he needed to get rid of chan's touch. he felt dirty everywhere.

the male moved a bit rougher than usual and this woke minho up. the elder quickly grabbed hyunjin's arm and looked into his eyes. both of their faces were illuminated by the movie playing on the television.

"hyunjin.." minho mumbled as he saw the irritated skin on the blond's arms. he restricted hyunjin from scratching his skin any longer.

the younger couldn't look minho in the eyes. what if he tells everyone? what if he thinks i'm pathetic too? but then, the older forced hyunjin to look at him. he gently wiped the tears off of the taller's now red face.

"i can't get the image of him out of my head.." hyunjin muttered.

"think about me, then. just focus on me." and that's exactly what hyunjin did.

hyunjin tried to steady his breathing while looking at minho. the longer he looked into the shorter's dark brown eyes, the quicker he realized that the older was very attractive, which was great timing, considering the fact that he instantly forgot about the evil look on chan's face.

now he wasn't thinking about the other, but instead, thinking about the way minho's eyes stared into his and how his fingers played with his hair.

"h-hyung.." the brunet's hands stopped and all his attention turned to the boy in front of him.


"thank you so much. i.." hyunjin's voice started to crack and he looked away, "i don't know w-where jisung would've taken me if you didn't come." and with that sentence being finished, the blond instantly made himself comfortable in minho's arms.

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