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who will dry your eyes when it falls apart?

who will dry your eyes when it falls apart?

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tw // sa.

the bangs on hyunjin's bathroom door continued to get louder and harder, sooner or later, chan was going to get in.

"you know.. jisung sent me here in case you refused his offer, but of course, he said i could have some fun with you too." the older laughed coldly.

"chan.. i don't know why you're doing this." hyunjin tried to keep his voice steady while pushing cabinets in front of the door.

"i wanted to get into your pants since the beginning, sung just helped. now how about you be a good little bunny and come unlock this door?"

"i can't do that, chan." the blond's fingers quickly called the police, just in case minho wouldn't make it in time. it was taking longer than usual for them to answer.

"who're you calling?" chan asked, his voice sounding evil, completely different from the first time he met hyunjin.

please pick up.

"answer me hyunjin!" the shorter managed to break the door open, causing everything barricading it to fall as well.

"don't you fucking get near me!" the younger cried, almost begging for chan to leave him alone.

"but you look so pretty." the male walked towards the other, who was shaking. i don't want to go through this again. chan grabbed the phone out of hyunjin's hands and threw it on the ground, making it shatter into many pieces.

"now, just be a good boy and don't move." the older's hands roamed around his body. hyunjin tried to ply them off of him, but chan was too strong.

"i said, don't fight back, pretty." the brunet forcefully kissed hyunjin, causing him to sob and completely break down.

"p-please, chan. just s-stop.. i d-don't wanna.." tears were streaming down the blond's face. his hands were shaking and his clothes were being stripped off of him without his consent.

"your body looks just as beautiful as i had imagined." chan began kissing all over the males body. hyunjin hated this. he hated it so much. but he hated himself more for thinking that it felt good. he didn't want this, so why does he feel good? ashamed is how hyunjin felt. he was ashamed because of the sounds that came out of his mouth even though he didn't want it.

"stop.. i don't w-want you, c-chan." hyunjin tried to push the older off of him once again, but this time chan slapped him. right across the face.

"how about you shut the fuck up and enjoy it. i know you are. don't act like i can't hear those little noises you're making. other people would kill to sleep with me, so how about you stop being so damn ungrateful and spoiled for once?"

was hyunjin spoiled? was he being ungrateful? no, chan's just getting in your head, hyunjin.

all sound around the blond went silent. he couldn't feel chan anymore and he couldn't hear him either. hyunjin's legs fell weak and he just dropped to the floor, having no energy left to fight.

where's minho? shouldn't he be here by now? was he in on it too? or did hyunjin get the wrong idea and thought that minho may have been warming up to him?

hyunjin snapped back into reality when he saw all the other men in the room. cops. they grabbed chan, taking him outside, but hyunjin just sat there. he sat on the cold floor of his bathroom that comforted him throughout the situation. the male who was just in his pants from earlier today heard his name being called and finally looked up.

"mr. hwang, your boyfriend is here." one of the cops said.

hyunjin looked at him confused, "b-but, i don't have a boyfriend?" he was hoping they'd just minho for his fame boyfriend, but that didn't seem to be the case.

"ah, hyunjin. i hope you're okay, baby. i can't believe he put his hands on you like that." the male turned to the officer, "thank you. i don't know what would've happened to my princess if you hadn't shown up."

"j-jisung?" hyunjin's eyes widened, but he didn't move. didn't he put chan up to this?

"well, it was all thanks to whoever sent that anonymous tip actually. no idea how they would've known about it though." the officer scoffed before walking out of the room, giving to two some alone time.

"... yeah, thanks to them." jisung's eyes turned dark and now hyunjin knew who sent the tip. jisung sent the tip himself.

"baby, let's go outside, yeah?" the younger picked hyunjin up, taking him outside. the blond couldn't move. he felt numb. his limbs were numb and his facial expression was numb. why was jisung picking him up? why was he acting like he cared? tears silently fell from the older's face.

once jisung opened the door, that was when hyunjin noticed all the cop cars outside all surrounding his apartment building.

as chan was placed into the cop car, he glared harshly at jisung, to which the younger waved with a smile on his face as chan was sent off.

"b-but.. m-minho was supposed to come.. why d-didn't he?" the blond questioned, confused.

"who's always been there for you? me. minho couldn't even be here today to help you, hyunjin. you're meant to be with me. i'm the one for you." jisung looked at the fragile boy with tear stained cheeks and then tried to kiss him.

"n-no! d-don't touch me!" this made the cops suspicious and they turned around. the black-haired boy quickly put his hand over hyunjin's mouth.

"shh.. be a good princess."

"s-stop fucking t-touching m-" hyunjin started, but was cut off by the sound of someone running towards them.

the blond pulled jisung's hand off of his mouth, "m-minho."

"what do you want with my boyfriend?" the black-haired boy glared, but the brunet ignored him, facing all his attention to the blond in jisung's arms. the position of the two quickly changed as hyunjin finally began to gain strength again when he saw the sight of minho, and pushed himself out of jisung's grip.

"hyunjin, i'm so sorry i couldn't be there. the cops weren't letting me get close to your apartment building. and i know this stupid apology isn't going to change the pain you went through, and i'm just really, really sor-"

hyunjin just hugged the older, causing jisung to scoff and then walk away. minho couldn't help but be surprised by this action. hyunjin didn't seem like the hugging type, and minho definitely wasn't the hugging type, but it felt nice, so he dealt with it.

"y-you're here now." hyunjin told him, tears still running down his face.

"and hyunjin?"


"about that 'acting like we hate each other again' thing, i want to wait until i know you're fully okay. i don't know.. how far.. he went with you, but i'm sure it was traumatizing and i want you to be fine. i could tell my dad that you need a few days off and stuff."

hyunjin looked up, teary eyed, at minho, seeing how the older was staring at the red and blue flashing light with his eyes glistening.

"hyung, a-are you crying?"

"no, it's just that.. i can't help but feel guilty for not being there earlier. don't get me wrong, i can't stand you, especially when you one-up me in fashion, but you're a sweet kid and i can't imagine what you just went through." minho blinked, and then the tears came flowing out of his eyes. hyunjin broke the hug to wipe the elder's tears, only to end up crying with him.

hyunjin took a deep breath, determined to not stutter his sentence out, "it'll definitely take some time to heal. i don't think i'll be sexually active for a bit. at least, not until i'm with someone i'm comfortable around. please.. just take me somewhere safe.. i know you won't do anything." the blond had whispered the last part, but minho heard it.


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