❥𝟱↬𝗟𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁

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Eventually, you and Freddie had eventually brought your shopping trip to an end, and you were proud to say that it wound up being a successful shopping trip, even after the tense encounter with Brian and Liz - or as Freddie preferred to say, Brian and the dollar-menu hoe.

As vigorously promised, Freddie paid for everything, even though you'd nearly broken down in tears just trying to prove that you could pay for it yourself. In the end, Freddie's affection for you stood triumphant, so everything you returned to the house with was all on Freddie.

And he'd had a large say in what you would wear for the evening, something that you'd found a little odd, because he had never done that before. This wasn't the first time he had paid for something for you, and even when he was paying for it, he never interfered with your choices - until now.

You didn't mind, though, because Freddie did have a great sense of style - you just didn't know what had triggered the sudden change in his behaviour.

However, that wasn't too important, because you'd had something much more interesting to look forward to in the evening.

Freddie had managed to get you excited about meeting the boys for the night, which was rather commendable, considering you hadn't been too keen on it initially. He had informed you that he would be taking you to a lively bar, where he was sure your night would not be uneventful.

At the present moment, however, the two of you were seated in his kitchen, each of you sipping from a glass of iced tea, for the temperature had risen once more. Now that you had a few hours to spare before the evening, you both decided to cool off.

Physically, at least.

Because the conversation was far from icy and still.

"The nerve of that dollar menu hoebag!" Freddie exclaimed for the nth time, shaking his head. "Precious Bean, you really should have let me get at her. After hearing what I have to say, she would never forget to come correct at you," he huffed.

You giggled, shrugging as you stared down at your drink. "You're way better than that," you replied. "You know....the funny thing is that we know each other,"

Freddie's eyes widened as he finished taking another sip from his straw. "You know her? I can understand if she knows who you are, because...I mean, come on, Queen," he waved his hand. "But how do you know her? And how have we never heard of her?" he leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table. "Spill. The. Tea,"

With another amused smile, you casually stirred your drink with your straw before looking up at him, resting your elbows on the table as well. "She's a family friend, on Brian's side. She's known his family for years, because her parents were once close colleagues with my father-in-law. I first met her...five years ago, before Brian and I got married," you took in a deep breath, as though you were thinking for a moment. "She's had the biggest crush on him since...forever, really,"

Freddie turned his head away and spat out the sip of tea he'd taken right before you'd said what you did, making you gasp as you covered your mouth, suppressing an exasperated laugh.

"Um...WHAT?!" Freddie gawked after he'd wiped his mouth.

"Oh my God, Fred, are you okay?" you giggled.

"NO," he blinked at you. "Dollar menu hoe has a crush on Bri? Okay, now that has to be proof that he's just doing this shit to get back at you. There is no way he's into her,"

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