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𝙹𝙰𝙽𝚄𝙰𝚁𝚈 𝟷𝟶𝚃𝙷, 𝟷𝟿𝟽𝟼.

You sipped on your drink as you looked around the crowded party hall, your eyes glossy with admiration for the individuals that danced in the middle of the room, truly giving the party its life. The music was loud, and the sounds of laughter filled the room, but you preferred to stay close to the sidelines of the scene, for the spotlight wasn't where you liked to be.

The boys had invited you to the party, but you'd only seen them when you first arrived, which was thirty minutes ago - at the present moment, you couldn't spot any of them.

Well, you could only see one, and that was Brian.

He was at the other end of the room, conversing with another woman, but he occasionally stole glances of you, unable to concentrate on the lady in front of him.

You noticed, keeping your own eyes on him as you sipped your drink, a coy smile playing at your lips every time he looked at you.

The two of you were caught up in a strange dynamic. There was an intense attraction between the pair of you, and you often behaved as though you were in a relationship, even though it wasn't an official thing. It was quite a delicate subject, but one thing was for sure - you had strong emotions for one another, and everyone around the both of you could feel it.

So far, at the party, you and Brian had only been exchanging flirtatious glances, never quite being able to concentrate on anything else. Soon enough, however, Brian's resolve had worn thin, and it wasn't long before he made his way over to you.

As he approached, you felt your heart began to race, and you hoped that the shadows in the room would hide your red cheeks.

"Enjoying the party, I see," he remarked with a laugh, knowing that it was the complete opposite.

You broke into a laugh of your own, shrugging. "It's quite alright, although it would have been a lot better if the boys hadn't abandoned me," you grimaced.

"Oh dear, now I feel terrible," he frowned playfully, but you hadn't noticed the 'playfully' part.

"Oh no! That's not what I-" your eyes widened, but you stopped when you saw him laughing. "You were joking, right," you groaned inwardly.

He smiled at you fondly, tilting his head slightly. "Well, I do feel awful for leaving you on your own, but I suppose I hoped to see you come out of your shell a little. You know, mingle with other people, because you've got a lovely personality,"

"That's very sweet of you, but I simply feel more comfortable mingling with people I trust," you paused, your eyes meeting his. "Like you,"

His eyes softened as he instinctively moved closer, gently reaching down to take your hand. As soon as his hand touched yours, the butterflies went wild inside of you.

Though slightly rough, his hands were also smooth at the same time - taut, yet tender. You inhaled sharply when he intertwined his fingers with yours.

"Do you...truly trust me?" he asked softly.

"You should already know that I do, wholeheartedly," you replied.

Without saying anything, he gently took your cup from your hand, placing it on the nearby table before pulling you closer.

Once you were practically 'face-to-chest' - because he was taller - he leaned over to whisper into your ear.

"Come with me," he spoke before stepping back, proceeding to guide you in a direction that led away from the crowd.

By that point, your heart was racing faster than it ever had, and all you could do was follow Brian's lead as he took you further into the building.

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