❥𝟲↬𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗢𝗳 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗘𝗻𝗱

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Brian made sure that you got into the safety of the shack before he followed, and by the time he did, you realized that you'd both been extremely lucky. As soon as Brian had joined you, the hailstorm took on a form true to its name, raining down in a thunderous fashion. Anyone who might have failed to find shelter by that time would not have been spared.

"Christ," Brian whispered at how rapidly things had worsened, falling back against one of the walls. "This is insane," he shook his head.

But you remained silent, for thunder had accompanied the hailstorm, and you were terrified of the way it roared through the skies. It was unlike any other rumble of thunder you'd ever heard, only reaffirming the insanity of the anomalies.

Brian was quick to notice your fear, even though you'd kept a rather commendable straight face. He stared at you for a few moments before extending his hand, his eyes never leaving yours.

"Come here," he spoke softly.

You hesitated at first, but you couldn't deny that you wished to be in his arms again, and it was clear that he wished to hold you too.

Releasing a sigh, you took his hand, allowing him to pull you toward him effortlessly, your body fitting into his perfectly. He'd wrapped his arms around you in such a manner that your head was resting against his chest, allowing you to listen to his heartbeat.

And despite the deafening sounds of the hailstorm and thunder, the sound of his heartbeat was the only thing that stood out to you, and the reason was one that only fate could have allowed.

Your heartbeats matched.



hat night, you had fallen asleep in Brian's arms, and he'd fallen asleep holding you close to him. When you managed to wake up, the first thing you noticed was that it was morning. The hailstorm had reached its end, and all that was left in its wake was the deadly silence.

But, there was also another interesting remnant that was left behind, if it could be called a remnant at all, and that was the intriguing hue of the morning sky.

From the moment you'd opened your eyes, you noticed that everything appeared to be coloured in a pink hue, as if you were on a completely different planet.

Since Brian was still asleep, you maneuvered yourself out of his arms, carefully crawling to the entrance so that you could rise to your feet outside.

And as terrifying as the aftermath of the hailstorm was, the sight of the unusual pink sky was breathtaking.

You gasped as you straightened up, your eyes raised to the sky in awe.

A few other people could be seen emerging from their hiding places as well, staring up at the terrifying yet beautiful sight above.

"Brian," you turned back to look at him. "Brian!"

His eyes snapped open, and for a moment, it looked as though he had been worried he had fallen asleep at an inappropriate time - almost like a father that had dozed off, only to realize that he was supposed to be awake and alert.

It took him a whole minute to snap back to his senses, but that was a trait you were accustomed to, and it was one that you loved dearly. Seeing him like that nearly made you forget everything that had transpired over the past six months.

An instinctive giggle escaped your lips as his eyes landed on you.

"Are you alright? What's wrong?" he whispered.

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