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(None of the art in this story belongs to me) THEMES OF TORTURE, BEWARE.

-flashback nightmare-

Cora's pov:

Darkness, too dark even for me to make anything out. And pain. The stinging pain coming from my wound covered body. I had bitten one of the 'doctors' when he tried injecting a new chemical formula into me. They had guards drag me out of the room, wrapping a wire painfully tight around my jaws and chaining my metal collar to the walls in the dim concrete room I'd come to dread. I wanted to scream but couldn't as the heavy collar sent a powerful electric shock throughout my body, next came a long leather whip, it cut painfully into my side as the people around me laughed at my pain. How sick did you have to be to laugh at torture and cruelty? I was done, using as much strength as my weak body could muster I pulled madly at the chains holding me back, using my front paw I even managed to remove the wire on my jaws, although it tore through my flesh excruciatingly. After freeing my fangs I snarled wildly at the guards in front of me, they held a terrified expression. I felt the fiery hatred build inside of me, my eyes glowing a scarlet red, and I let go. It had been so long since I had let the hellhound bound to my soul run free, I sunk into the back of my consciousness to watch the chaos unfold before me, savoring the deaths of those in front of me. But all good things must come to an end, and my bloody rampage through the base was cut short when I ran into an empty metal room. As soon as I entered the door slammed shut behind me, I watched us run frantically around the room, nearly tearing through the walls. After a moment a small vent opened in the ceiling, letting in a strong fume with the gas being pumped in. I felt myself come back into control while my head began to pound, I dropped to the floor as the pounding increased before darkness overtook my vision.

-Back to the present-

Loki's pov:

I had snuck back down to the room containing the peculiar creature. The avengers had been monitoring her through cameras in the room, but they had gone to have lunch, leaving me time to locate her room again without them watching our interaction. As I entered, I took in her sleeping form, walking closer, I noticed quiet whimpers coming from her. I scanned over the wolf, seeing the long scars covering her back, the fur on her neck was especially worn down. The bandage that I had seen on her leg earlier was gone. She started growling and kicking lightly in her sleep, I wondered what she might of been experiencing in her unconsciousness, but for some reason it was difficult to access her mindscape. I was aware that she had come from a lab within HYDRA, but I didn't know the full extent of what took place there. I- wanted to help her? No. I hated seeing this creature in pain though. A loud noise broke me out of my thoughts.

Cora's pov:

I woke with a start, tumbling out of the small bed and onto the hard floor. Immediately registering the unfamiliar scent coming from outside of my cell. Standing, I turned to face this new person, attempting to look as intimidating as possible, although I was still shaken from my dream. I tried not to shiver as I thought about what had happened when I woke up after my rampage through HYDRA. Feeling a strong gaze, I returned from my thoughts and studied the man before me. He had long dark hair and pail skin, with a piercing green gaze. Dressed in some kind of strange leather garment, he looked at me gently. He was tall, my head was nearly even with his and I tensed as he opened his mouth to address me.

"I am Loki of Asgard, the god a mischief. And you are?"

3rd person pov:

"I was told that you were a shapeshifting mortal, but you have remained as a wolf. I'll assume that you prefer not to converse then?" Loki inquired, staring intently at Cora.

She remained quiet.

Letting out a sigh, Loki continued, "You must be very special for the Avengers to personally contain you."

At this Cora flinched, 'Contain me? Just like any other wild beast I suppose, too dangerous to be left alone.' Loki noticed, and began pacing in front of the glass,

"I was told your name was Cora, but there is no last name for you, nevermind a trace of your existence before HYDRA."

She growled at the mention of her former captors. Retreating back to the far side of her glass prison, she lay down, resting her head on her paws and letting out a huff as she watched the man turn and leave the room. Cora remained there, almost frozen, until another person entered. This time a woman, who Cora recognized as the redheaded agent who aided in her capture. Lifting her head, Cora let out a small warning growl, hoping she would just leave.

Natasha's pov:

I volunteered to be the first to talk with the girl. She was scared, as proved by the cameras and her restless state, but she was also dangerous. This made her a threat that S.H.I.E.L.D. wasn't about to let go of. We had agreed that I should first try and gain her trust enough to turn back into a human. Tony and Bruce were working on some kind of power-dampener that would hinder her ability to shift. I had no idea what to expect while walking into the room containing her cell, upon entering I was met with what appeared to be a sad gaze, which quickly turned tense. I walked up to the glass and introduced myself while she growled, a clear warning.

"We aren't here to bring any harm to you, will you talk with me?" I questioned calmly.

In return, she stood and sniffed at the air, seemingly studying my scent. She then came forward, lowering and tilting her head as if to ask a question.

"We can help you, we know you are running from HYDRA, you're safe he-" I had started again when I was interrupted by a loud ..howl?

Followed by the sound of glass cracking and splintering. She was howling up at the ceiling, a desperate, miserable call, that seemed to also be breaking foot thick reinforced glass?

Clint rushed into the room hysterically, "SHE'S BREAKING THE GLASS! TONYS LOCKING DOWN THE TOWER, WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!" He yelled.

As he grabbed my arm and practically dragged me from the room, I turned to glance back at the wolf, the glass then crumbled to the floor with a loud crash, revealing a timid looking Cora. She seemed shocked at the wreckage around her and hung her head low with her ears back.

'She almost looks guilty.' I thought as the heavy metal closed behind me and Clint, now standing in the hallway out of breath.

3rd person pov:

Tony and Bruce had been working in the lab while Sam and Clint watched Natasha try and talk with Cora. Suddenly cracks formed in the glass walls of her cell. Clint rushed to get Nat out of the room as Sam told Tony what was happening and to lock down the tower. Alarms began blaring and red lights flashed through the hallways. Metal panels started covering the outside windows while the team readied themselves to take on whatever presented itself.

Avengers x Shapshifting OC (fem OC\reader)Where stories live. Discover now