Uh oh.

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(Sorry about all the point of view changes, if it's annoying tell me and I'll do less. I did some reformatting in the past chapters as well if you want to skim through the changes. Also I changed Loki's personality from the past chapters so uh yeah, anyways he's a member of the avengers and a good guy)

Cora's pov:

Uh oh. Alarms were loudly going off as I stood inside my no-longer-glass cell. I tried thinking of the best way to go about this, I wasn't trying to break out, I didn't even know that I could do that. But now there was a screeching siren above and red lights flashing, my heart began pounding as adrenaline filled my veins. 'This is my chance.' I leapt over the glass and ran to the door. Realizing that it was locked and that I wouldn't be able to open it in this form anyway I tested my hind leg. It still hurt but was better enough for me to try shifting. Changing into a ladybug, I flew up and into a ceiling vent. Once in the vent I shifted to my domestic feline form.

I moved quickly and silently through the ceiling until an opening in the vents stopped me

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I moved quickly and silently through the ceiling until an opening in the vents stopped me. I had let my instincts guide me, but now I was directly above the team's heads. My breath hitched and I stared down at them.

Steve was addressing the team, "Tony has the tower under lockdown, we saw her fly into the vents as a ladybug, but we don't know where she may be within them. F.R.I.D.A.Y. will tell us if she comes out, we need t-"

Just then I felt the vent cover becoming loose under me. I fell straight down from the ceiling, tumbling onto the floor in front of them. I looked around at their startled faces before dashing out the door and into the hall. Their yelling followed, with Steve ordering for someone to get Loki.

Loki's pov:

I had been reading one of my favorite novels in the hanging chair near my bedrooms window, while looking out on the beautiful view of the city below alarms began sounding. I immediately stood, setting my book down and going to the door. Wandering into the hall, I assumed this had something to do with our guest. As I made my way to the elevator and stepped inside I began asking Tony's AI to explain what was happening when the elevator doors opened to reveal an out of breath Barton.

"Cora's out of her cell and running around on this floor, Steve asked that you use your magic to try and subdue her." He spoke.

"Of course," I responded, " but how did she manage to get out in the first place?"

"Uh, by howling? We don't really have time to discuss this right now!"

How on earth did she manage to howl her way out? I'll have to see the footage of the incident later.

"Is she still a giant wolf?" I asked as we rushed down the hall to where she had taken off.

"Nope, a black cat, she actually fell from a ceiling vent straight on top of us." He replied.

"I locked this floor down, nothing can get in or out. So all we have to do is find her." Tony was saying as we reached the rest of the team. They were already fully suited up.

3rd person pov:

"Everyone should take a different room or hallway, I'll use my magic to locate her energy footprint. But in the meantime we should split up." Loki advised the team.

"Sounds good, stay vigilant everyone." Steve affirmed and the team took off in different directions.

Loki started walking, closing his eyes, he opened his mindscape up to scan the floor for the girl. Sensing the rest of the team but not immediately locating a different energy signature. After a few more seconds the unmistakable aura that he had sensed the first time he got close to Cora reached his mind.

Cora's pov:

In my panic I had rushed into one of the first rooms after making a few turns. It was dark and quiet, which I was relieved by. I now knew that they had locked down the tower, that was probably going to make my escape more difficult, but not impossible hopefully? All of a sudden I felt someone using a sensing spell, uh oh. I was too late to cover my signature before I heard footsteps approach the room I was currently hiding in. I moved over to one side and hid behind a desk as silence overtook the room once more, this time it was eerie. Peaking around a corner of the desk I recognized a tall figure that my nose identified as Loki. Almost as soon as I had spotted him he disappeared, 'the hell?' Within a second I was distracted by a green mist encasing me, bringing a dizzy sensation with it, then I felt his presence appear behind me.

"Apologies love." Was the last thing I heard before I again lost consciousness. I was beginning to get tired of that.

Loki's pov:

I caught the small feline before she hit the floor. Strangely, it had taken much more than a simple spell to put her to sleep. I'd have to look into why that was. Picking her up, I could feel her ribs protruding sharply from her body under the thick fur. That's definitely not healthy. I made my may back down the hall with her curled into a ball in my arms. I had F.R.I.D.A.Y. notify the team that I had found her, and request that Tony lift the lockdown protocol. Making my way to the elevater\lift(depending on where u live), I entered and summoned a small soft blanket and wrapped it around the tiny cat, as she had begun shivering. Exiting the lift, I made my way into the kitchen and set the fuzzy bundle onto the counter. I was busy making up some tuna on rice for when she woke when the others came into the room from the lift\elevator.

"Loki?" Steve asked.

"Yes captain?" I responded, already aware of his question.

"Where's Cora? You said that you found her?"

"I believe she is right there." Vision responded before I could.

I felt the team freeze as they looked to the bundle on the counter, a small black paw protruding from the side. Honestly, why were they so worked up over her anyway?

"Mind telling me why she's on the counter and not in some sort of containment!" Tony practically screamed.

"What, did she insult you while she was out?" I couldn't help but smirk at his reaction.

Natasha stepped forward to inspect the sleeping Cora. I was always partial to felines, I couldn't help that they hit a soft spot within my cold interior. But why were the Earth's Mightiest Heroes so on edge around her?

"What was I meant to do with her? She did just break her cell after all, and I wasn't aware of any backups around." I stated with a hint of sarcasm.

"So you thought instead you would bring her up here?" Tony asked disapprovingly.

"Mhm. And I don't see any issue with it as long as I'm here." I retorted.

The captain finally spoke up, "Loki, you are going to watch her until we get this sorted, and since you seem to be the only one capable of reliably containing her."

"I'm sorry? I definitely didn't sign up for any babysitting when I agreed to stay here."

"As you just said, we don't have anywhere for her to be put right now, and someone needs to watch her, preferably someone who can easily restrain her."

"Very well." I relented.

"Great, she'll stay with you tonight since it's already late."

What did I just get myself into?

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