Testing (pt. 3)

688 17 23

-..heyyy, how y'all doin? uhm, apologies for starving u guys.. em, enjoy?-
-sorry, question.. can u guys see the photos up top? at the top of the chapter yk? just want to make sure-
-oh! happy pride month to the girls, the gays, and the non-binary nays!-

3rd person pov:

A loud hiss broke apart the standoff between the Asgardians, slicing through the thick tension in the room as everyone turned to look at Cora.

"Holy shit." Was the only thing said, by Tony nonetheless. Cora was emanating hazy purple vapor, tinges of aquamarine streaks dancing within the cloud. Cora, who was no longer hissing, stood surrounded by the haze, her body shifting erratically through similarly sized feline forms. Ears lengthening and shortening, fur thickening before thining out, color and pattern changing across it.

No one made a move toward her, nor did they once look away from the sight, transfixed with what could only be described as wonder.

Then the spell was broken, the mist dissipated and Cora stumbled as she fought a wave a nausea, trying to grasp the fleeting feeling of calm.

Cora pinned her ears and hissed, loudly, while bearing her impressive set of shining teeth. Her form had landed on that of a gray caracal, dark facial markings and tufts of hair at the end of her curved ears standing out against the lighter fur. Her vibrant orange eyes almost appeared to be glowing.

Loki took a step forward with his arm in-front of him, Thor took a step back while letting his hand fall to rest on the handle of Mjölnir.

Bruce ducked behind the desk he had previously been leaning on while looking over to Tony, who was still in a daze, starring blankly at the agitated caracal. Though probably only weighing about 22kg (50lbs), the ears that twisted up into faux horns and gleaming teeth made even her small, caracal form menacing.

Before anyone could make a move, Cora wobbled on her feet, letting out what sounded like a half-hiss/half-squeak as her legs gave out beneath her, bringing her crumbling to the floor.

She struggled for a moment, desperately trying to untangle her legs while willing them to work. Unfortunately, even when she managed to stumble forward onto her front paws, they immediately let out again, sending her crashing back down with an anguished mew.

The other inhabitants of the room held thoughts ranging from concern for the feline to humor at the sight of the stumbling cat.

Tony finally broke from his daze, "So uh, can we please do this assessment now? He accentuated the word 'please' for full effect.

Loki swung around towards Tony, ready to argue, before deciding against it and huffing. He watched as Tony instructed Thor to put the struggling feline on the exam table. Thor struggled for a moment, Loki's magic surrounding Cora and carrying her to the table, not before Thor sustained 'a few' bleeding injuries from her.

Cora's pov:

I had absolutely no clue what had happened. That was the scariest part of it all. That had never happened before, not even close, I wondered if it could have been caused by the chat with Loki in my head.

I couldn't even question the strange event regarding my body before I was being snatched up off the ground by a massive hand. So instead of pondering, I took to scratching and biting the hell out of my assailant's arm, and anywhere else I could manage.

Before being able to tear my new attacker's limb from the rest of their body I was engulfed in the familiar green power belonging to Loki. Loki. Loki was here, what was I doing here? We came together didn't we?

His power promptly placed me on some sort of lit table, that I hastily tried to jump off of with what could be described as reckless abandon, though I deemed it within necessity. Sooner than my paws could lose contact with the elevated surface was I surrounded and once again pinned to the top by the green.

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