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-ay y'all, look who isn't gonna make u suffer months of nothing, that's right, new chapter-
-also please feel free to comment, don't feel obligated but don't be deterred if u have something to say:)-

Cora's pov:

I awoke to the spicy scent of cinnamon, Loki's scent.

"What happened?" I wondered hazily.

I remembered the soft humming of a machine, lulling my already exhausted body to sleep. I fought the fatigue for as long as I could before succumbing to the darkness.

Where was I now? A shiver ran through my body as I willed my heavy eyelids to open and grant me sight. I was lying down on my right side, a soft cover beneath me.

My left shoulder ached with a throbbing pain and I was surely badly bruised under my fur. I whimpered pitifully while trying to focus my now-open eyes. Looking around, I recognized the room as Loki's, though I was too tired to lift my head, so I studied the dark sky beyond the tall windows I was currently facing.

Though the room had a cool edge to it, my body began to feel as if it was laying on burning sand with a blazing sun beating down on it. I tried to roll uncomfortably to my other side, but the throbbing pain in my shoulder intensified, causing me to stop.

My mind flashed to a less-than-sterile medical room at HYDRA, the distinct memory of needles piercing the skin of my arms as unspecified chemical compounds were introduced to my bloodstream. The  blazing heat in my body prompting the memory of the burning reaction to the drugs.

My biology hadn't taken kindly to all of the genetic tampering that it had been subjected to, now it almost always stung or burned when I was given drugs. The scientists at HYDRA did not know of this, or simply did not care enough to try and fix it, that blazing pain had become routine to me.

But now the fever taking hold of my body was reaching the threshold of bearable, and I whimpered again, louder. I didn't hear the bedroom door open or the hurried footsteps that followed.

Hardly feeling my form being lifted and carried by an abnormally chilly body. But I felt the relief of cool water trickling across my burning figure, icy hands cupping my face, narrow eyes worriedly peering down at me.

Loki's pov:

Cora had eventually yielded to the exhaustion consuming her. I could sense it finally overtaking her mind with the connection I had to her body. I let my control spell dissipate and breathed in deeply. I was tired aswell.

After Stark and Banner had completed their examinations I was once again tasked with caring for the feline. My drained body voiced its opposition as I carried Cora's lightweight form back to my room. Setting her gently on my bed, I made sure to lay her on her right, avoiding the slight swelling of her left shoulder from barreling into a reinforced glass door.

Stark had mentioned his disbelief that she had managed to make it through without breaking atleast one bone.

Thinking back, I half-chuckled to myself that she had managed to fool the trickster god himself, before making my way to the kitchen on my floor to find something to eat. (not sure if this will be a continuity error on my part, but if so, im sorry i'm too lazy to make sure, and yes Loki has his own little flat/apartment typa thing in the tower)

A few hours later, while reading on my wooden recliner in the small sitting room across from the kitchen, I had a sudden, sinking feeling that something was wrong.

My mind ran through possibilities as I stood and started towards my chambers. It has to be Cora, right? She couldn't have escaped, I spent an hour designing a specialized spell to let her into my room, but not out, unless with me. A spell that would hopefully not prove ineffective, I had yet to figure how she had been immune to the previous spell surrounding me room. Though I knew from holding a spell on her for so long that she certainly had some form of magical immunity.

As I neared the door I heard an unmistakable whimper of pain. Picking up the pace, I threw the door open and raced over to Cora's side. Strangely, it felt a few degrees warmer inside the room than the rest of the floor. Once I reached the shifter, I knew why, she was practically on fire. Heat emanating from her body in waves.

Instantly, I grabbed Cora and rushed into my bathroom, thank Odin for the walk-in shower. Gripping the lever that controlled the water and turning it to cool, making sure it was only about room temperature to avoid shocking her body, I slowly lowered the both of us into the stream.

I watched her eyes flutter shut under the flow of cooling water. She whined quietly, while I held her heavy head in my hands. Cora leaned into my touch, likely because I was about 15°F cooler than Midguardian humans, a blessing and a curse of my frost giant heritage.

Though I remembered Dr. Banner commenting on her temperature being higher than the average mortal, this was certainly a bit excessive.

"Cora? Cora, what happened?" I asked, though the words came out with a noticeably worried undertone.

She continued to lie limply on my lap. (-accidental alliteration-)

I spoke again, this time directly to the tower, "F.R.I.D.A.Y., what happened in there?"

"Cora's body temperature began to rise along with her heartrate for unknown reasons shortly after she became conscious. Her temperature is decreasing at an acceptable rate, it reached 50.5°C or 123°F (degrees celsius/degrees fahrenheit) at it's maximum. Would you like me to contact Dr. Banner or Mr. Stark?" The AI replied with its normal even tone.

"What is her current temperature?" - Loki

"Cora's current body temperature is 48.3°C or 119°F,
her average body temperature is 46°C or 115°F. It would be advisable to remain under cool water for another 5 to 10 minutes." - F.R.I.D.A.Y.

"Thank the gods." Loki breathed, relief flooding through his body.

-uh yeah, sorry guys, this ch wasn't supposed to end here but i wanna give u guys something so here's this-

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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