I lost my Glasses, Y/N {Fluff}

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Request from Astolary

"Y/N, mon amour." Chamber called out as he walked into your dorm at the protocol. "Yes?" You poked your head out of the side room you were in. "I need your help" He walked over, sitting on your bed as you walked over. "With what?" You sat besides him, leaning against his arm. You held onto his hand as he rubbed small circles with his thumb on your knuckles. "I lost my glasses" He mumbled, not fond of losing something. You only giggled a bit before kissing his cheek. "I'll help you love" He smiled at you, kissing your forehead. 
"So where did you last see them?" You walked side by side in the base, holding his hand due to his blurry vision. "I had them when I was in the cafeteria..." He pondered for a moment. "Alright let's go there!" You tugged him along, making him chuckle lightly as he followed along. You both walked into the cafeteria, him letting go of your hand to sit and watch your blurry figure. "I would assume you were drinking coffee or something at a table..." You mumbled to yourself, checking around the tables and by the coffee machine. Before looking at the counters and then under the tables. "I don't see them, anywhere else?" You popped back up, striding over to him. "The meeting room, we had a debrief of the newest mission earlier" "Off we go then!" You grabbed his hand, pulling him up with you and speeding off to the meeting room to find Chamber's glasses. 
There sat Brim, with Sage and Viper going over some combat strategies for the upcoming mission. They stopped when they noticed you and Chamber walk in. "Don't mind us! Just looking for his glasses." Sage laughed slightly, the thought of the well-dressed Frenchman losing his glasses was something she didn't think would occur. Brim just raised a brow. "Go ahead then"
You searched throughout the room, checking in every little space and under the tables and even chairs for your lover's glasses but to no avail. "Nope! Onto the next area!" You popped up, hitting your head on the table and whining in pain. "Be careful mon amour" He chuckled, helping you out from under the table and off you two went to the next location on your guys' check list! "So where next?" "The armory. I was tweaking my sniper" He held tightly onto your hand. "Alright!" You smiled, bouncing up and kissing his cheek before leading him to the armory.
You pushed open the door, Raze was messing with her rocket launcher off to the side and waved to us as we walked in. "Hey A/N! Chamber! What's up guys?" Raze's happy voice said from the left. "Looking for Chamber's glasses!" Smiling as you said it. "I don't think I've seen any glasses in here!" Raze pondered for a moment. You searched around the room, between and behind guns and around where everyone has been tinkering. "Still no, Chamber, love, How did you manage this? You're always so neat!" You giggled, he only chuckled lightly, rubbing the back of his neck a bit embarrassed. "I was lost in my thoughts about you, mon amour" He pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. Blushing and smiling you kissed him back before, "Get a room you two! I'm trying to work!" You only giggled, leading Chamber out of the room. "Aaaanywhere else?" You dragged out the A, looking up at him. "Hmm, I think I went to my weapon designing room next." 
Thus, your journey continued! On the search for your beloved's glasses! You opened the door and looked around at the room he kept so tidy. "Wow, I've only been in here twice and it's always so neat!" "I try to keep it that way." He chuckled. You looked around the room, trying not to move or knock anything. I mean, if his glasses WERE here, they would be quite noticeable, no? You didn't question though, searching through some cabinets of sorts, glancing around gun parts. Even looking through his little drawers. "I don't see them love, are you sure there isn't another spot?" You hummed, glancing at him as you stood up. "The last place I was before heading to you, was my dorm. We could check there, Mon chéri" He held out his hand for you, which you quickly took. You walked side by side to his room, leaning into his arm a bit. It was nice, that you guys got to spend time together today, even if it was only looking for his glasses of all things. But you appreciated it either way, squeezing his hand. 
Approaching his door, you let go of his hand reluctantly before skipping ahead to open it for him. Giggling as you watched him wink at you and walk in. He walked over to his bed and sat on it, leaning back a bit. "Alright! Time for detective, y/n to search for the missing glasses of Sir Chamber!" You teased, closing the door behind yourself and exploring his room. You knew the room well, sleeping here many nights by his side. You always looked around the room, mesmerizing every detail about him. You loved every part of him, he was just so perfect in your eyes. Every flaw, every imperfection, was so perfect! Snapping out of your thoughts you went to searching. In his closet of neat suits that you didn't dare touch, you would apologize profusely if you messed them up even slightly though Chamber would always reassure you it's ok. Closing it when you didn't see them, so you switched to checking his Vanity he had, each drawer. Even on top of it. "My, my, Mon Cher, you still haven't found them? I would think they were here." He said, a noticeable smile in his words. "I haven't checked everywhere yet!" You called out, not turning around as you looked through each drawer. "Love, I know where they are" This immediately caused you to turn around. "Huh?!" You looked at him with slightly wide eyes before playfully tackling him to the bed. "I just wanted to lure my beautiful fleur, to my room" He chuckled, brushing stray strands of hair from your face.
All you could manage was a laugh and a blush, nuzzling your face against his chest. "You can be so childish!" He smiled against your head from your remark. "I know, but only for you" This just caused you to smile more, you looked up and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. He gently grabbed your cheeks and kissed you back. Pulling away only for air and pressing his forehead against yours. "I'm so glad I have you in my life, mon amour" He was so genuine, so gentle with you. He truly loved you, and you loved him just as much. "You are my everything, Chamber." You smiled, staring into his eyes lovingly. "And you, mon amour, are mine." He pulled you onto the bed fully, rolling over onto his side and pulling you into his chest. "Thank you for helping me find my glasses, even if it was just a silly little joke" He chuckled, brushing his nose gently against your hair. "Of course! Anything for you!" You wrapped your arms around his strong torso, nuzzling your nose against his chest. "Let's go out for dinner later, oui?" "Of course, I'd love that"


I planned to have this done yesterday, but ya know what. I had much more inspiration today to finish so it's ok! I really enjoyed writing this actually, it's fun to write his soft side for his s/o and it just makes me smile so much! I should write my hc's for him at some point too. Anyways, I hope you all liked that! Love you all


1304 Words

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