Double Date {Fluff}

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Requested by NaomiLeviXeno

It was around 8 am, you were sitting on the couch with Chamber's arm around your shoulder and holding you close to him. Your head leaning against his chest as you breathed in his calming scent. You decided it was a good day to take off, the weather was nice, and you finally got to spend some nice quality time together. Random shows played on the tv, neither of you paid any attention that, it was simply background noise. You were both too focused on the other, taking in all of them. Your eyes staring at Chamber's lovingly, you wished things could stay like this forever.

You heard the door opening, they didn't knock... just walked in.
"I see you're both having a good day, but I do wish to steal Y/N." You could hear Chamber's voice, glancing back to see his mirror.
"You will not. What do you want?" You glanced at your boyfriend to see him glaring at the mirror.
"A simple date with them~ You know how I love Y/N, but their mirror is being quite difficult to get." He chuckled.
"Well, me and Y/N are a couple. You will not take them away from me." Chamber's arms hugging you tighter.
"We can share then, just for the day. No?" He chuckled, walking over to the back of the couch.
"I guess... but don't do anything weird" You huffed, kissing Chamber's lips who was pouting at you for agreeing. "I'm only agreeing so he'll get off our case for a while, love..." You mumbled only so he could hear. He still didn't like it, but he did like the idea of his mirror getting off their asses. 
"Alright fine, let us get dressed." Chamber pulled you up with him before making you straddle him as he walked upstairs with you. He really didn't want to let you go today; it was supposed to be your day together but of course someone just had to ruin it. How annoying. He brought you into the bedroom with him and closed the door. "Since this is technically a date, I would love for you to choose an absolutely lovely outfit," He pressed a kissed to your forehead, he knew you were beautiful no matter what. But he always did love the way the clothes accentuated your beauty that's why he usually chose the outfits, though you did complain sometimes but either way you loved the clothes he chose.
"Can I choose what suit you wear today?" Chamber looked back at his lover; he was planning to choose himself; but he could never resist when they asked. They also wore his absolute favorite outfit, surprisingly it was an outfit they had chosen out themselves without his word. 
"Of course, mon amour" He stepped aside from the closet. You rummaged through the closet before finding a nice navy vest with a black button up, then his signature pants. You placed them on the bed, his smile made you smile more. You grabbed his signature tie next.
"The best tie" You chuckled, handing it to him.
"Thank you, fleur" He quickly undressed himself, chuckling at the sight of your drooling face over his body. He took a step closer. "Like what you see?~" He hummed in your ear with his sultry voice.
You nodded quickly "Yea I-" You were cut off by his mirror yelling from the bottom of the stairs.
"If you take any longer, I will go up there! So, you better not be having sex!"
Your face flushed red; Chamber rolled his eyes before stepping back. "Later, mon amour" He quickly got dressed into the outfit you chose for him and made himself look perfect as usual. He took your hand and you walked hand and hand out of the bedroom.
"I was just about to go up, come come my dear Y/N, I have the perfect place in mind." Mirror smiled at you, taking your hand and pulling you out the door.
"A-Ah Vincent!" You called, he huffed and quickly followed. His double was being quite the nuisance, taking his lover for himself. Chamber quickly slipped his hand into yours, interlocking his fingers with yours.
"There's this wonderful Restaurant I saw earlier, c'était magnifique!" He exclaimed, people murmured; they thought they were twins out with their sibling or something. The thought made you uncomfortable.

At the restaurant, Mirror held the door for you while Chamber asked the waitress for a table for 3, the woman nodded and quickly brought them to a nice booth alone but with a beautiful view. Mirror sat on your left, Chamber on your right. You leaned your head against Chamber's shoulder, his arm wrapping around your waist. Mirror wrapping his around your shoulders, pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek. You couldn't deny the love you were given by both was quite nice.
The waitress came back at the three of you looked over the menus, writing down all your orders. You breathed out a sigh of relief, letting out the breath you didn't know you were holding in.
"Are you alright, mon amour?" Mirror's voice caught you off guard.
"Yea, just didn't realize how tense I was" You chuckled awkwardly.
"It's alright, I'm here" Chamber said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. You melted against his touch.
"Today is a day about you, Y/N." Mirror piped up again. You smiled at the two, enjoying their presences. You were only beginning to accept Mirror Chamber was alright, you knew they had shady deals with each other, you just were made to understand that all mirrors were evil. But he was also the mirror of your love, so it was hard to see him as evil. Just another shady man in your life.
"Votre nourriture, clients" The woman spoke in French, smiling as she set down the plates and walked away. Finally, the males let up their hold on you before both kissing each temple on your head, your face flushing and smiling. You all eat in peace, small talk popping up randomly like how things were for each side, how was business, etc. You didn't talk much when it came to business though, not really your forte.
"The food is wonderful" You murmured, shoving another fork full of food into your mouth.
"Délicieux" Chamber hummed, and Mirror nodded.
"Just like you, mon amour~" Mirror leaned towards you, face smirking as he knew just how to fluster you and it worked! Your face was as red as a tomato, Chamber's head on top of yours.
"He is right, you are quite the meal" He chuckled, arms wrapping around you.
"N-not here!" You squirmed in their grasp, Mirror's hands working their way up your thighs. Chamber's hold was not under your arms, but over and keeping them in place.
"Why not? I thought you wanted this, you look so hungry~" Mirror teased, hands on your inner thighs.
Your slight whimper proved to them that he was right. "J-just not here, please?" Mirror nodded, letting up only for now. Chamber still held you, kissing your neck before all three of you got back to eating.
Once having finished, Mirror paid as it was his idea; he left quick a hefty tip for the waitress too. All three of you hand in hand went back to Chamber's penthouse.

Once inside the penthouse you closed the door behind the three of you, only to feel a warmth behind you. Turning you stared directly into Chamber's eyes, his arms caging you against the door.
"Shall we continue?" He smirked, nuzzling his neck against the crook of your neck and kissing it.
You quickly nodded, Chamber picking you up and Mirror following, making gestures at you when Chamber couldn't see. 

All three of you were lying in bed, the two naked males holding onto your form. They were on the verge of falling asleep and so were you. Today was a good day, and they just made it so much better. Your naked forms all pressed together under the comfortable blankets, Chamber's head on top of yours so you were nuzzling his chest while Mirror's head was on your shoulder as he rubbed comforting circles on your back.
"I love you guys..." You tiredly mumbled.
"I love you too, mon amour" Chamber tiredly hummed.
"And I do too" Mirror smiled against your neck.

You three fell asleep happy and comforted that night, what a wonderful day to spend together.


Here it is! I've been having some struggles with mental health recently so I'm sorry if I'm slower on things! I hope you all enjoyed anyways, I really enjoyed writing this. I'm just a sucker for fluff!

Love you all!
~Snowy <3

1412 words

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