chapter 8

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You and joe were sitting in the principles office with the tomaes and manjis parents. ( I discided to name him manji sooo...) talking about what happened.

"Soo miss y/n. Would you mind telling me what and how this happened?" The principle asks looking at you. " tomea and her friends came up to me after class and started picking on me for always needing help in class" you say.

Tomea jumped out of her seat yelling" that's not true, she was picking on me and calling me a whore and slut!!" Tomea cried pointing at you.

"Is that true, y/n?" The principle asked looking at you.

"It's not she just came up to me and started drama for no reason" you say in defense. "Lair!" Manji jumps in defending tomea " Shut your dirty mouth you weren't even there!!" You yell starting to loss your cool.

"She's lying, she always is. Mom, dad you belive me right?" Tomea asked looking at her parents.

Her father stands up." Please mind it's not like my daughter to bully and girl for no reason." He father said calmy

"Yes you must have done something to upset her to cause this." Her mom jumped in.

You started getting angrier by the second. Your uncle notices this and put a hand on your shoulder. "Control your tempere y/n" he said in attempt to calm you down.

"Just because she your daughter doesn't mean jack" you say pointing you finger at her

" she got her boyfriend and his friends to beat me up" you say in protest

Manjis mom looks down at him "is that true" his mom asked looking at him with confusion." I only did it because she was bullying my girlfriend." So you beat her up without having proof other then what tomea said" his mom asked raising a brow at her son.

"Yeah basically." He muttered avoiding his mother's gaze.

"So your telling me you beat up my child. With no proof of bullying just because your little girl friend said she messing with her" you uncle asked

"B-but y/n struck first" tomea said trying to defend her boyfriend. She pulled up her sleeve to reveal a long scratch on her triceps.

"She scrached me with those monster claws!!" Tomea exclaimed pointing at your finger nails.

Tomeas mother gasped " my baby!" She yells glaring at you " you monster!" Her mom yelled at you

"Hey" you uncle stepped in " No one called my kid a monster, got it" he growled at tomeas mother and father.

After things calmed down the principle spoke up. " okayn, I've  made a desion" he said.

" Manji you'll be suspended for 2 weeks. Tomea and y/n you'll be suspended for 5 days. Understand? " the principle spoke.

"Yes sir." You all say.

As you stand up to walk to the door tomea says something to you under her breath "don't think this is over. Nanjo" with that she walked out with her parents.

The car ride was slient. Till you spoke up.

"Mind if go to S for a bit?" You ask "Sure go ahead" he said stopping the car "have fun and be safe" he said with a smile " I will" you say before skating off.

You were skateing on the concrete road lost in your own head. Until you notice 2 fimular figures in the distance

'Hey reki!! Hey langa!!" You yell skating faster in attempt to catch up to them" oh hey y/n." Reki said looking at you "Hey langa said in his usual monotone voice.

"Anyways is this your thing?" Reki asked
"Jumping into random situations." "What do you mean?" Langa asked. "I mean accepting rando challenges. No other noob would go agest shadow. And now your taking on a Japanese national team hopeful. I understand y/n doing it because she's more experienced then you and knows more than you. And her uncle's one of the founding members of S." Reki said "that's a little to much i- information R-reki" you say with a sweat drop. 

" i don't know it just seemed fun I guess" langa looking straight ahead. You look up to see a big smile on rekis face

Mean while with miya ( I haven't given him any screen time)

"Isn't that the guy?" And other whispers miya heard among the crowd that was watching him.

Miya was doing a few tic tacs to gain some speed as we skated behind you, reki and langa. He looked up hearing reki and you laugh say "no way bro, look your feet" causing langa to to look down at his feet.  "Those 3" miya grumbled


"Hero's don't associate with slimes, didn't your manager teach you that" one of miyas old friends said to him

End of Flashback

Miya scoffed

Back to you guys

Man check out that RSP it's doin' well out here" reki said with his hands on his hips. You and langa look at him confused "what is?" You and langa ask "you don't even know the name of your board? Your riding the REKI ROYAL STRAIGHT PRINCE MARU,my dude" Reki said

"what? Who the heck is prince maru?" Langa asked " I heard that's what the girls call you, at school." Reki replied "pffftt" you hold in a laugh "price maru!" You burst out laughing.

"Theu certainly do not" langa said  "they do" reki said " no they don't"

You were about to speak until miya spead right past you almost Making you fall.

"Hey you could've hurt someone" r3ki said grabbing your wrist to keep you from falling " that's the thing about trash" miya pulls off his hood. " it all gets thrown in the same pile" he says with a cocky smirk on his face.

"What was that" reki said angerly. "Skating with you losers is not a good look" "HEY!" You yell slightly offended by miya comment.

"Welp later slime boy and girl " he said waving before skating off " gimme a break" reki said hopingnon his board skating after miya. Leaving yiu and langa "reki!" Langa yelled.

You pull on langas sleeve. "I-i'v got a-a bad f-feeling about t-this." You say to langa, abit worried about reki.

You both turn the corner to see reki falling on the ground. "REKI!!" You yelling rushing to his side "sorry this is hard if your not talented" miya yelled skating away in the distance

"Freaking jerk" reki mumbled. Hoping back on your board with langa you both skate after miya "langa, y/n wait!" Reki yelled.

You were behind langa who was trying to catch up with miya. Miya looks up noticing you two behind him. " what a surprise I was only planning on tuning up today" he says speeding up "damn so fast" you think trying to catch up to him. As you 3 take a sharp turn.

Langas straps ended up breaking causing langa to scrap his against the rocky concert. " langa!" Your yell jumping off your skateboard and rushing to his side to help him.

"This is your board? Why don't you lose the traning wheels for the actual race. " miya said kicking langas board "I wanna win because I'm better not because your rig sucks" and you" miya turned to you with a glare "why don't you stop with the whole goodie goodie act. It's not fouling anyone I'm not trying to be friends so don't try"

With that miya skated off " so rude for no reason. I just wanted to be friends" you say with sadness in your voice.

Suddenly you feel and hand on your head. You look up to see reki smiling down at you. "It's fine, you still have us"reki said ruffling you hair and giving you a warm smile.

You smile back saying "yeah your right" with a laugh.

Reki and langa walked you home after that" I'll see you guys tomorrow night at the race" you say running to your house in the distance "bye" you hear them yell


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