Enders (34)

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Sprinting inside, we wasted no time practically bashing our way into the meeting room, where Hank looked up at whatever he was working on, looking at us as if we were insane.

"RV blew up!" Aiden announced, rushing toward Hank and our mentor pushed himself out of his seat. "I was able to get the chip with all his data out, but the carcass is still ablaze out in the parking lot."

Hank snatched Chip from Aiden's hands before turning toward all of us. "I need one of your phones," he stated.

I didn't understand how this seemed to be such a dire situation since we had gotten what made RV RV out of the wreckage, but I assumed there was something that I was not aware of that Aiden and Hank both knew. After a moment of us all just standing there and staring at each other, confused as to why he'd ask for something like this, I decided to take one for the team and offered him my phone as I pulled it out of my pocket. He quickly grabbed it and rushed away, off to his desk to do whatever technopathic work he needed to do.

"I'll contact somehow to deal with the fire right away," he called out over his shoulder to us. "As for you all, Nay will be here soon with news for you."

I felt my stomach drop, even though there wasn't necessarily a reason that it even needed to. My automatic assumption from then on was that any type of news was automatically bad. I knew this was definitely not a way to live, but I couldn't even help it now.

As soon as the door slid open a few minutes later, my friends and I practically pounced on Nay as soon as she entered the room. She just stared at us, already seemingly anxious from whatever she had been dealing with prior. That didn't stop everyone from immediately throwing the situation we were in at her.

My friends quickly explained that I actually had all of their powers, speaking over each other as Nay tried to follow along. She already had seemed overwhelmed when she'd entered, and this was in no way helping her.

"Okay, okay!" Nay shouted as my friends continued on, pinching the space between her eyebrows as an incoming headache made its way through. "I'm hearing what you all are saying. Luckily, since Violet is an Ender, she will be able to give your powers back to you."

I knew that I could, but that didn't mean I knew how. Nay seemed to realize this and smiled sympathetically at me.

"I know Hank and I have not been the best when it came to training you to use all of your Ender powers," she began, and her sincere attitude made me a little less angry at them. "But this is really rather simple. To take powers, you just need to touch their skin and concentrate. To give powers, you just need to do the same."

Sure, that sounded simple. It seemed like most superhuman powers worked in that way, where you just needed to focus to get it to work. But was that really that simple? Was there ever any better advise than to just focus on what you wanted in order to get it?

"I hate to rush this, but we do have... a few visitors that are on their way," Nay explained, and it was clear with this statement that this was why she had entered the room already seeming uneasy. "So please, see if this is something you could take care of now or you'll have to try it again later."

Well, that didn't put any pressure on me at all...

I turned toward my friends, none of us seeming to really know what we were supposed to do. Who was going to go first? Did I have to pick?

As if reading my mind, Dex took a step forward, volunteering himself. For some reason, this made me feel even more nervous.

He smiled at me. "I know you can do it, baby," he whispered.

Letting out a shaky breath, my fingers brushed against his cheek gingerly. I was terrified that somehow I wouldn't be able to do this, and then my friends would never be able to get their powers back.

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