Enders (28)

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Making out was weird.

Don't get me wrong, I loved doing it. I just wondered if I'd ever actually get used to it. The hands, the tongues, the constant movements. As much as I enjoyed it, it was still such a weird concept to me.

Dex sure enjoyed it, that was for sure. And that made me enjoy it even more. But I couldn't help but wonder how long making out would satisfy him. I still didn't feel ready to go any farther, but I knew that Dex had wanted to for a while. When would I finally be ready? I felt like it was almost unfair to make him wait for so long.

When the door suddenly opened, Dex and I didn't exactly jump away from each other like we'd used to. People knew what they possibly could have been walking into, and it wasn't like we weren't fully clothed. If they didn't want to knock, it wasn't our problem.

"This is why I had you come in first," Anthony sighed as he stood behind Aiden, keeping his distance. "I'm tired of seeing their tongues in each other's mouths."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't come in and you won't have to see it."

"Then how would you like us to summon you, then?" the brainiac asked, the sarcasm dripping from his voice. "Do you need us to call for you from the other room like you're dogs?"

Dex shrugged, too busy examining the dry skin on his hand to even glance at our teammates. "Gives us more time to put clothes back on."
I slapped his shoulder. "No clothes are coming off."

He winked at me. "Yet."

Aiden and Anthony looked as enthused as ever whenever they had to break the two of us apart. I was sure it was getting old for them, but I was at the point where I just didn't care. It had taken so long for Dex and I to finally be together like this and now that we finally were, I never wanted to be apart from him.

I wondered if it would always be like this. Would I always want to be around him all the time, or would I grow to be okay with being apart from him for a while? I always missed him no matter where he went. It was a weird feeling and I didn't like it.

I knew it was normal to feel this way, but when our lives were the way that they were, I was scared every time he was away from me. I was afraid something would happen to him or me and I would never see him again. I knew that part wasn't normal at all.

"You know, you two could be training right now instead of swapping spit," Aiden spat, his arms crossed over his chest. "Maybe you'd get stronger if you did."

"You're just pissed because you're not the one making out with a hot girl," Dex shrugged, a slight smirk adorning his face as he glanced over at me.

Aiden scowled. "If that's what you want to call her."

Dex didn't get bothered by Aiden's comment like he was hoping for, and neither did I. The last person I ever wanted to find me attractive was Aiden anyway.

"I finally got mobility in my arm back," Dex smirked, clenching and unclenching his fist over and over. "I've got to use it to make sure I'm all healed."

"Do that by lifting weights or something," Aiden snapped, his scowl only deepening. "Not squeezing Violet's—"

"Okay!" I cried, using my powers to throw a pillow at Aiden as hard as I could. He dodged out of the way and the pillow smacked right into an unsuspecting Anthony's face.

Aiden rolled his eyes at him. "You totally could've dodged that."

The two then began to bicker, but at this point I stopped listening since I was so used to Aiden fighting with literally anyone he could open his mouth to. I didn't miss much but ignoring the fight, however, because Kristie then popped her head inside as she stopped from continuing down the hallway.

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