Enders (13)

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The address Margaret had given me was to a house that wasn't far from hers. I still needed to take the train to get there, but it wasn't like it was across the country or even in another state. It was luckily just a few hours away by train.

I didn't leave Margaret's house right away. I spent a day or two with her and Belinda, learning things about my parents and Enders that I'd never known before. It was a nice experience, while at the same time scary. I learned about my parents, but also what I could really do and that Damien Black was alive.

I took this time to relax and stare at the falling snow outside my window. It seemed to be getting heavier and heavier, which wasn't something I minded. It was a nice contract to the boring atmosphere that was inside the train. There weren't many people on board, but the few people that were there were rather old and quiet.

I wondered how my friends were doing back at the DAU. I wondered if they even cared that I was gone. I knew Dex did, since that was obvious from what he said to me when we separated, but I had no idea how the other three felt. I could assume Aiden was thrilled to be rid of me, even if it was just for a little while.

I needed this getaway. I needed a breath of fresh air. Meeting Margaret and Belinda really opened my eyes to a lot of things, and I was glad that I had. I hoped I would get to see them again. We didn't make any plans, but I left the house with all of us knowing that we'd meet again someday.

When I suddenly saw a flash of red go by my compartment, I jumped. I'd only seen that vibrant, outgoing shade of red one place before. But had she really found me?

Without even thinking twice about it, I jumped from my seat and burst from my compartment just in time to see the flash of red hair go around the corner. I immediately followed after it.

There weren't many people in the train beside us, so no one stopped the girl I was following from slipping into a room with a sign on the door that said "EMPLOYEES ONLY" in big, black letters. And no one stopped me from slipping in with her.

Once I was inside, I could see that this was the baggage cart of the train, where everyone's luggage was. My duffle bag was in here somewhere. But I didn't care enough to look for it right then.

It seemed like I was the only one inside, but I knew that that wasn't the truth. I'd seen her and I knew I'd seen her. Now I just had to find where she was hiding. And there were a lot of places that she could hide in this room.

I slowly made my way farther into the room, hoping there would be no one else but the person I was looking for inside. The last thing I needed was to get in trouble, or even kicked off in a place I didn't know.

When a large stack of suitcases suddenly came tumbling down on me, I took a step back and caught them with my powers before they could crash against the floor and possibility get me caught. Setting them down, I turned to see who had caused them to fall.

I was greeted with the familiar wicked grin of Carmine. She seemed impressed that I'd managed to carry all of those suitcases with just my mind.

"How did I know you would follow me in here?" she asked.

"Looks like you just know me so well," I shrugged.

"You have no idea," she grinned, and it was a smile that made chills go down my spine. "I think I know a lot about you, Violet."

Maybe she did. I had no idea. But she was trying to intimidate me, and that wasn't going to work. She wanted to scare me and I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of doing so.

There were a lot of people that knew more about me than I knew about myself. I'd just come to accept it at this point because there was nothing I could do about that if no one would give me the answers.

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