Enders (8)

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Out of my entire team, Aiden was the one who was the angriest at the fact that we still had to deal with Redrum, even though it probably should have been me, what with being an Ender and all.

"The whole point of being in the DAU is to fight Redrum members," Nay informed him as she led us into the meeting room. "Before it was formed, we'd fight people like the members of Redrum, but they just didn't have an organization and they were on their own. So technically, it's always been like this."

I didn't want to think about the time before Redrum and been formed. It still bothered me whenever I thought about the fact that Redrum had been created by my parents' old teammate. That he was the one who had killed them and Dex's father. Even if he was dead just like they were, that didn't change how much I despised him.

"It was only a matter of time before the reassigned someone to your team," Hank sighed as he sat at one of the many computers in the room and began typing away. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they waited until you were all back together."

"So, what do we do?" Aiden asked. "Just exactly what we did with Lynx and Malicius? Wait around for them to cause trouble and then come to the rescue?"

Nay waited for a moment, but then nodded. "Yes."

Aiden seemed annoyed, but I didn't understand what else he could possibly want. He used to complain about training all the time, but now that we actually got to go on missions, he would complain about those as well. Was he ever happy, or was he only content when he was whining?

"Don't worry, you'll be doing other missions as well," Nay assured when she saw how bummed out Aiden had gotten. "But they will be your main priority until you are able to capture them."

This seemed to put Aiden in a better mood. "Then we're just going to have to capture them right away, then."

Nay rolled her eyes. "It's not going to be that easy," she sighed. "Redrum members know that your goal is to capture them and not kill them so they'll flee if they know they're losing a fight. They'd rather die than be caught."

I thought about Lynx. We had managed to catch her, after many failed attempts. But then she killed herself.

"I guess now that we know who your new opponents are, we can look into them," Hank informed us, not even looking away from the computer screen as he opened up the database as Nay turned on the biggest screen in the room. "I bet this'll bring back memories."

And as what was on Hank's computer projected itself onto the big screen, it did bring back memories. It was only a year ago that we were doing this exact same thing for Malicius and Lynx. And now they were dead.

"I still think it's creepy that we have all this information on them," I couldn't help but comment.

"They have the same amount of information on us as we do on them," Nay informed me, but that didn't make me feel any better. "Both the DAU and Redrum have people whose jobs are to specifically find out this information."

I shrugged. "Still creepy."

Hank rolled his eyes and typed in the name Carmine. He clicked on the only name that came up from the search, and suddenly the crazy-eyed redhead was staring right back at me on the screen, all of her information beside her.

"Damn," Dex swore, but it wasn't the kind that would indicate that he was impressed. He was disgusted.

It wasn't the most... flattering picture. Not at all. Her red hair was messy and matted and the crazy look she had earlier was replaced with a sloppy, sleepy looking one. While Lynx had had a very nice picture in her profile, Carmine's was the exact opposite.

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