Enders (16)

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If you told me two years ago that I was going to join a top secret organization for superhumans and fall in love with someone while I was there, I would have said you were absolutely off your rocker.

But there I was, recruited into that secret organization, in love with a boy I was sharing a bed with. It was crazy what could happen in just a few years.

Though we spent multiple days at Dex's old home, it didn't feel that way. Hours felt like minutes, and every time we went to bed, it almost seemed unreal that the day was actually ending. Dex would wrap his arm around me from behind and we would drift off to sleep, waking up to another morning that didn't feel real.

I didn't know how long we were going to stay for. Honestly, I didn't really want to leave. Dex seemed so happy to have found his mother again, and I didn't want them to have to part. I wished we could have stayed there forever, but I knew that that wasn't possible.

When I woke up on morning, rolling over to see Dex was no longer in bed beside me, I was disappointed. These last few mornings we had woken up next to each other, spending a few hours talking or cuddling or kissing. But now he wasn't there, and I felt cold.

He wasn't one to get up early, so for a moment I was concerned. I quickly pushed this feeling away since there wasn't any proof of foul play.

Pushing myself up out of bed, I made my way out of the bedroom and into the hallway, not caring about the fact that I was still in my pajamas.

I heard cleaning from the kitchen downstairs, and I assumed it was either Dex or his mother. I glanced at the door down the hall that belonged to his mother's room, and even though it was closed, I wasn't so sure that ruled her out for being the one making noise.

I decided I was being paranoid for no reason. It had to have been either Dex or his mother downstairs. It had to have been. But honestly, I wasn't so sure that I kept repeating that to myself because I was worried it wasn't or because it was so obvious that it was one or even both of them.

I decided I was being paranoid for no reason. It had to have been either Dex or his mother downstairs, if not both of them. So swallowing any doubt I had, I padded downstairs and into the kitchen.

I was happy to see Dex more than I was relieved. His back was to me as he faced the stove, the clanking coming from him as he flipped a pancake onto a plate on the counter.

"Well," was all I was able to say, and he looked over his shoulder at me and smirked.

"Morning, sleepyhead," he greeted, leaning over to kiss me on the cheek once I was close enough to him. "Did you sleep well?"

I didn't exactly want to tell him that I'd slept better than I ever had before, and I had been ever since we'd arrived, most likely because he was sleeping with me. His ego didn't need to hear me say that.

"Yes," I answered simply instead. "How about you?"

"I slept amazing," he grinned, placing his hand on the small of my back and tugging me closer so I was no pressed up against him. "It had something to do with you bring in the bed with me, I'm sure."

I had nothing to say to this, since this was exactly how I felt. Was he a mind reader now, too?

There was something about the atmosphere that was just so... calming. It almost felt like Dex and I were newlyweds, sleeping together and waking up to each other and cooking breakfast together. The only difference was...

"You're burning the pancake," a new voice suddenly sang out from behind us, causing me to push away from him. I turned and awkwardly smiled at his mother.

EndersWhere stories live. Discover now